Byung Usok's Japanese fan meeting 2024 participation repo! This magnification is also expected!

Korean actor "Byung Usok" holds a fan meeting in Japan!
This Japanese fan meeting held as the last place of the Asian tour!
Starting with Taipei in June 2024, the Asian tour over the eight cities in Bangkok, Manila, Manila, Jakarta, Singapore, Seoul, Hong Kong, and Tokyo has been successfully completed :)
Tokyo mobilizes 20,000 people in two daysThe curtain closed with great success ^^
And this time, the writer of Usok fans has participated, so I will introduce the memorable scenes!
In addition, the Tokyo performance has been talked about as the magnification is high, so we will anticipate the magnification!
After reading this article, "I want to issue a support advertisement for Byung Usok!」「I want to enliven the run with Songje!Please feel free to contact our LINE!
Byung Usok Japan Fan Meeting 2024 is held!
A fan meeting (Fanmi) will be held in Japan on September 28 and 29 as the last place of the Asian tour.👏
- Performance name: "2024 byeon WOOSEOK ASIA FANMEETING TOUR
In Tokyo " - Date:
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Open 16:00 / START 17:00 (Scheduled to end time 19:15) ← I participated in the writer💙
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Open 14:00 / START 15:00 (Scheduled to end time 17:15)
- venue:Musashino Forest General Sports Plaza Main Arena
Starting with Taipei in June 2024, the Asian tour over 8 cities in Bangkok, Manila, Jakarta, Singapore, Seoul, Hong Kong and Tokyo will be successfully completed.👏
This Asian tour recorded all seats sold out, and we finished the first Asian fan meeting tour!
The magnification of the Tokyo performance seemed to be quite high, and the magnification is also expected in the latter half of the article.😲
The title of the performance "SUMMER LetterUsok who made a lot of memories in the summer!
I am looking forward to my future activities💛💙
Byung Usok Japan Fan Meeting 2024 Participation Repo!
What kind of Usok do you like?😍
From here, I will talk about Usok's famous scenes that I actually participated in!
First of all, I would like to introduce the Fanmi setri that I participated in!
This time,Performed for about 2 hoursIt was a happy space to enjoy Usok -san for a long time.😭💙
🔽Click here for the settlement on the first day🔽
- Opening message
- ~ Part 1-
- 🎤LoveHolic
- Talk time (also model walk💙)
- Reproduction of the popular scene "All time of Songje"💙💛
- ~ Part 2 ~
- VCR📸
- Appear! (Appearance song: Runrun)
Appearing from the door of the venue and parading the arena → To the stage - 🎤Midnight door -stay with me ~ (original song: Miki Matsubara)
- Game corner "Red carpet game towards Ton Ton"
- Talk time
- Shooting time📸
- 🎤랬 봐 (I Think I DID)
- 🎤소 (Sudden Shower)
At first, the venue was dark, and the message from Usok and the voice of Usok who read it flowed on the screen!
With Mr. Usok's voice saying "Let's get started?"Appeared while singing "LOVEHOLIC"!💛
Usok -san said that the tension rose in the song "LoveHolic" and that he ran around the stage.😣💛
andIn other countries, they sang "Runrun" and "I'll Be Three", but Japan specially shows off Japanese cover songs!
"It was difficult to sing, but the lyrics were good," he practiced a lot.💙
I was very happy to think that I was preparing for Japanese Fanmi.♪
Repo ① "Model Walk"
The configuration of this stage had a main stage and a flower path.
In MC time, a model walk using a flower pathPlease feel the length of your feet😲
The first day's clothesAppeared in a perfect namchin look (a boyfriend style) called a brown -based cardigan on jeansExcited to do😍
Even when walking on the model walk, the feeling of returning to the raw Usok, and the expression that was shy after walking was also a moe point.😭
The second part was a black Ryu Songjestyle with a black whole body! !
Which one do you like?
It is difficult to choose because both 1 and 2 are suitable> "<
And I only said "cute", "cool", "foot length", and "yabai" all the time.😂
Why do you lose your vocabulary when you go to a concert or event? (lol)
Repo ② "I finally heard 랬 봐"
I personally like the song "랬 봐", but I sang it in Fanmi and was able to listen to it.😭
In "Song -jae carrying and running", there is a scene where Usok sings.
However, when the helicopter of "Girls Day" appeared in the MC program, "Usok -san said that the OST of "랬 봐" was said to have sang another person.
Actually, Usok -san did it until recording.😭
That's whyIf you want to listen to "봐 봐" singing with the tone of Usok's voice😣💙
The highlight image of "Songje on the back" flows on the back screen and was impressive.😭
Repo ③ "Star Usok!"
At the game corner, there was a corner where you would give a present to 5 people if you got 10 points!
The games that Usok challenge challenges are all traditional Japanese play and difficult games, such as "Daruma drop", "kendama", and "basketball shoot"!
Naturally, Usok -san has never played Japanese traditional play, so there were many things to do for the first time!
But"Kendama" succeeded in putting a ball on one shot!😲
"Daruma drop" was also successful in one shot!
In "Basketball Shoot", the first time failed, but the second time he succeeded in the second time.😍
Usok, who is not good at "wheel throwing", was also cute.😂
Repo ④ "That famous scene again"
Reproduction of the popular scene of "Songje and Run" which was also held at other venues!
The venue this time is large, so the staff stopped that it was better not to do it to Usok.
butImplemented in Japan with a strong hope of Usok👏
It was really nice to have Usok's good personality ...😣
The three lucky girls were selected, and in the performance I did, the following three scenes are reproduced!
A scene where the juice is applied to the cheek
The venue screams with a slightly different appearance from the scene where the Lucky Girl is waiting for a Usok from behind!😱
Lucky girl can't look directly, Usok -san, who turns down and wears juice on his ears instead of his cheeks (laughs)
It's convinced that you can't see it directly if you look at the nine handsome Usok in front of you.😂
A scene of taking a ID photo
Famous scene to create a heart!
The distance to Usok was quite close, so I couldn't realize the lucky girl, so the end of the end was missing (laughs).
Usok was shy and cute😭
A scene that matches the size of the hand
This scene is actually lying down, but in this reproduction, they stand and recreate each other side by side!
The difference in the size of the Lucky Girl's hand with Usok was too real and lost the words ...😱
After the reproduction is over,Rather than taking a two -shot with a lucky girl's smartphone, it is a flow of taking a two -shot with Usok's smartphone.On😂
It is a photo that is saved only on Usok's smartphone without appearing anywhere (laughs)
Hospitality spirit that made various preparations to please the fansI was impressed! (Of course I didn't hit (laughs))
What is the magnification of Byung Usok Japan Fan Meeting 2024?
After "Songje and Run", it was the first Japanese fan meeting, but what was the magnification?
This time, it was a considerable magnification because not only Japanese but also overseas people could apply.😱
At the time of chicketing in Korea4500 seats were sold600,000 simultaneous connectionsThe amazing number😲
The maximum of 20,000 people won the Japanese venue in Japan, so up to 20,000 people were elected.It will be.
This time, I tried to calculate the winning magnification based on Usok's official number of followers "1,134 million"!
- If 10 % of followers have applied
1,134,000 ÷ 20,000 = 56.7 times - If 20 % of followers have applied
2,268,000 ÷ 20,000 = 113.4 times
Although it is predicted, it is a startling winning ratio.
I want you to take a Japan tour next time.😊
I'm really proud to choose Japan as the last Asian tour!
I'm looking forward to the Japan tour next time😂
Usok who showed a wonderful figure around eight cities as an Asian tour!
Sung -jae and Usok made a lot of memories this summer, but I feel a bit lonely because of the break.
But let's look forward to Usok who will come back in a new figure again.♪
Leave it to Senil JAPAN!
After reading this article, "I tooBirthdayI want to get an ad! I guess there are many people who felt.♪
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