Exclusive interview with maison B Hikaru! MBIUS's thoughts and commitment to live performances

On this occasion,The exclusive interview with Maison B Hikaru, who ranked third in the monthly pushing ranking "March of March"! !
The monthly pushing ranking "March of March" was a voting voted from February 1 to 7, and is a ranking for "pushing", which will be on birthdays and anniversaries in March.♪
While I got a lot of voting for Koreans, Japanese idols, VTuber, etc.,HIKARU won 24 votes out of 396 votes in total, ranked third! !
To commemorate this brilliant result, we interviewed Hikaru.👏
Interviews have a variety of content, including monthly recommended rankings, recommended advertisements, and Maison B debut 1st anniversary!
Furthermore, we have been listening to the roots and leaves of the relationship with the fans and what we want to try in the future.😊
This article, which is sent in Hikaru's warm words, will definitely want to read it over and over again.💙
This interview has been realized thanks to the users who voted for the monthly pushing ranking.✨
Thank you again for participating in the monthly pushing ranking!
Read this interview
"I want to issue a support advertisement for Maison B and Hikaru!"
"I want to know the details of the monthly pushing ranking!"
If you have anybody, please feel free to contact us.
LINE also provides free consultation, so please register your friends first.😊
Hikaru's "Visual & Ikebo" by Maison B is the third place in "March"!
"Monthly pushing ranking" started in October 2023!
The monthly pushing ranking is a "user voting -type push -type media", which determines the ranking only by the voting of the user.😊
This time, a voting was held between February 1st and 7th,Hikaru of Maison B is ranked 3rd in the monthly pushing ranking "March of March"👑
Hikaru's birthday was March 30, and Mbius (Maison B's fan name) participated in the voting while calling out.
And this time, an interview with Hikaru has been realized!
Speaking of hikaru, members are characterized by "visual" and "Ikebo"♪
In addition to a tall and gorgeous visual, he is the owner of Ikebo that he has always wanted to listen to.
There are times when you want to take on new challenges in the future ...? !
Please check out the details in the interview, so please check it out.😊
Then, please enjoy the interview with Hikaru immediately.💙
3rd place "March" grabbed by MBIUS
BirthdayJAPAN staff: Congratulations on the third place in March!
How is it ranked third this time?
Hikaru: I was frankly surprised!
Mbius won! Not, but I thought it was the ranking I grabbed together.
BirthdayJAPAN staff: Did you know that it was ranked third?
Hikaruyes! I knew it for the first time (in the explanation earlier) that it was decided only by fans.
BirthdayJAPAN staff:It's was so! It was impressive that MBIUS was really enthusiastic about voting since we started voting.
HikaruMBIUS has a place that will give you "spread!"! (lol)
I think that's the good thing about MBIUS!
BirthdayJAPAN staff: Are you checked where MBIUS is doing missionary activities?
HikaruWhen I occasionally check myself, I (MBIUS) posted such a post, and I'm always looking for thank you.
BirthdayJAPAN staff: (Introducing the messages of users who received the monthly pushing ranking)
Would you please give me a message to those who participated in the voting this time?
HikaruFirst of all, thank you very much, Mbius.
It's not an exaggeration to say that MBIUS won, so I'm really happy.
I always feel that I am supported, but this time I felt it directly.
After all, I felt it would be useless without MBIUS, so I hope we can do our best together!
Maison B with the support of MBIUS
BirthdayJAPAN staff: At the time of the audition program that had been performed before, I think that the fans were issued a support advertisement for Hikaru!
What did you think when you first learned that there was a supporting method called a recommended advertising (Senil advertisement/support advertising)?
HikaruI didn't know how to support the fans, so when I knew it, I was surprised.
BirthdayJAPAN staff: What did you feel when you knew that Hikaru's own support advertisement was issued?
HikaruI actually went to see what was served at Seibu Shinjuku Station and Seibu Ikebukuro Station!
When you leave the ticket gate, Dawn in front of you! So, do all the people on the Seibu line look at this! I was surprised first.
When I saw it for the first time, I was really happy, and I wanted to say, "This is me! Look at everyone!" (lol)
BirthdayJAPAN staff: Is it helping fans to make an advertisement and share their support?
HikaruIt will be very powerful.
MBIUS always makes you think it's not just yourself, but us.
I think it's Maison B with the support of MBIUS.
BirthdayJAPAN staff: When do you think you are not the only one?
HikaruThis is also the case that this MBIUS won
There are MBIUS who calls out "Ganbare!" In the live talk, or MBIUS who always reply to our SNS posts ...
I think you always see it and support me.
The first year as Maison B who struggled
BirthdayJAPAN staff: Congratulations on being celebrated the first anniversary of your debut in February!
How was the year after debuting?
HikaruTo be honest, it was the first year.
It was still time to struggle.
Of course I'm still struggling!
There were many opportunities to get closer to MBIUS through our regular live "-azito-", and it was a year when I still felt that I had to improve my ability.
BirthdayJAPAN staff: Looking back on the year, is there anything that remains in memories or memories?
HikaruI've been doing a regular live "-azito-" since June, but every time I talk about how to have MBIUS enjoy it, and I like the excitement of the excitement of the excitement that I feel when I have a new song for the first time. was.
"-Azito-" was only once every two months, so I was looking forward to it.
BirthdayJAPAN staff: Did you decide on the direction and production of the live in your discussion?
HikaruIt is a form that we decide together while consulting with KEN THE 390 and the company.
In an environment where you can talk and say, "It's good! Good!"
BirthdayJAPAN staff: Is there anything that Hikaru values for live performances?
HikaruAt the time of "-azito- vol.2", all members had solo coorners.
I did a solo dance, but I thought I would get tired of just cooling, so I put an interesting element.
I want to make it a live that can be enjoyed by fans, not just looking at it, so I think it's like a MBIUS participation type!
I wonder if that has led to Maison B's live power.
BirthdayJAPAN staff: How do you remember with Mbius?
HikaruAt the end of the anniversary live "-ONE-", the first anniversary of the debut in February, there was a surprise that no one knew at the end.
When I thought it was the end of the live, the cracker suddenly rang from behind, "Burn!"
I felt that many MBIUS supported me.
I think the surprise of that day was an unforgettable moment.
Recently, I was in charge of visual & Ikebo!
BirthdayJAPAN staff: I think that MBIUS has received hot support on a daily basis, but what do you think is your attraction?
HikaruI don't know if I can say this ... (laughs)
I am in charge of Maison B's visuals, but recently I'm aiming for a unique singing voice, not just visuals.
You are in charge of Maison B Ikebo.
BirthdayJAPAN staff: Do you have any songs that you think your Ikebo is being demonstrated?
HikaruI'm working while practicing songs, so I think I'm better now than at the time of my debut!
Of course, my voice in the songs so far is good, but I think the 2nd EP I'm currently producing is the most attractive!
I'm glad if you look forward to it.
The dream of Maison B is to be "one and only"
BirthdayJAPAN staff: How is the song "FRIENDS" released at the first anniversary timing?
HikaruKEN THE 390 told me that I wanted to make a song that I could sing together so that I could be together live.
Under the theme that we were together, all members participated in the lyrics.
BirthdayJAPAN staff: Do you have any favorite parts?
Hikaru"Friends I met in the middle of a big dream" has the lyrics, but I think it's really nice to say "in the middle of a big dream".
We say with the lyrics that "I'm still on the way! There is still a big dream!"
I can get the meaning of going together with Friends I met, so I like the lyrics there!
BirthdayJAPAN staff: What is Hikaru's big dream?
HikaruMaison B has a dream to meet a lot of MBIUS and enlarge the group.
As a hip -hop boys group, Maison B is the only dream.
Also, since all seven members have their own personality, I hope that each person can be a group that can play an active part in a different place.
I would like to be a model, a 2.5 -dimensional stage that has recently been interesting, and a person who can play an active part in various fields.
BirthdayJAPAN staff: What do you want to take on concrete as a group in the future?
HikaruI don't think it's easy to be a unique being, so I want to do something that can be done to sing songs that no one has done or break the concept of a boy group. I am!
BirthdayJAPAN staff: We also support you!
Message from hikaru to mbius
BirthdayJAPAN staff: Finally, can you give a message to Mbius?
HikaruFirst of all, everyone at Mbius, thank you!
I'm not good at eating, and I'm not good at updating SNS ...
From the MBIUS, there may be times when you think, "Is it supported?"
We are enthusiastic about MBIUS comments and messages, so we will support us, and I hope Mbius will support us!
I look forward to working with you!
How was Maison B Hikaru's interview?
While listening to the story, every time I opened my mouth, it was impressive that "MBIUS" and Hikaru were calling the names of their fans.
Also, when I was talking about Anniversary Live's surprise, it seemed that I couldn't express it in words while remembering the time.
We are looking forward to your success that the wonderful relationships that are thinking about each other will create more synergies in the future.😊
This time, everyone's desire to support me has led to the third place in the monthly pushing ranking, and it has been realized.✨
Thank you again for the monthly recommendation ranking.
BirthdayJapan will continue to support the activities of Maison B and Hikaru and Mbius!
BirthdayLeave it to Japan!
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