[1st place in September] ME: I thoroughly explains Murakami Murakami! Encourage fans with positive personality and rap!

【9月の推し 第1位】ME:I 村上璃杏を徹底解説!ポジティブな性格とラップでファンを魅了!

This time, 9We will send you a special feature on ME: I (Miai), who won the first place in the moon's recommendation ranking.♪

Riki -chan, who has a wide range of charms, such as exotic cat face, charismatic rap, individual aura, and sensitive sense.

The changing expression and positive personality are very lovely, and the fans who fall into the gap will not stop.💡

The debut triggered the survival audition program "PRODUCE 101 JAPAN THE GIRLS"🌼

Despite the inexperienced singing and dancing, he continued to grow as a weapon with surprising absorption, his own sense, and his dedicated effort, and was selected as a member of Me: I in the second place.👏

Rori will celebrate his 18th birthday on September 30.🎂

In the "September push" of the user voting -type media "Monthly pushing ranking" that our company is implementing, it was also selected as the first place.👏

This time, me: I villageIntroducing the profile of Kamiurian -chan, one of the charms of Rori -chan, Rinrin Mind, and a must -see performance.I'll tell you🐈‍⬛💕

In addition, the advertisement of Rori -chan, who won the first place, (BirthdayLuxurious benefits are applied to /support advertising)!

The advertisement of Rori -chan in the following three places is "doubled the number of broadcasts" at the regular price.👏🏻

✅Shinjuku Unica Vision
✅Fukuoka / CS Vision

By all means, please take this opportunity to advertise Riku -chan (Birthday Would you like to give a support advertisement)?

Read this article

I want to celebrate Riki's birthday greatly!

I want to give me an advertisement, but I'm worried about financially ...

For those who thought, "BirthdayA crowdfunding service called "Crafan" is also available!

the current,BirthdayWe are looking for Krafan project owners✨

If you register with our LINE ...

✔️ Participation in the voting

✔️ Free consultation directly

Will be possible💡

Those who want to participate in next month's recommendation votingor,"Rori -chan's recommended advertisement (BirthdayI want to give out a support advertisement)! ""BirthdayI am interested in Crafan!"

First of all, please register as a friend from the following.☺️

Monthly pushing ranking

Me: I deliver the profile of Rori Murakami!

Me: i Murakami

Quotation source

  • Activity name: Rinon
  • Real name: Riki Murakami
  • Date of birth: September 30, 2006
  • Birthplace: Okayama Prefecture
  • Affiliation office: Lapone Girls Co., Ltd.
  • Blood type: O type
  • Height: 165cm
  • Member color: Vivid pink
  • Me: EYE (Myai/Official Character): RI: NYAN (Lignan)

Roshi Murakami is a member of the 11 -member girl group "ME: I" belonging to Lapone Girls Co., Ltd.♪

Me: I is a group born from the survival audition program "Produce 101 Japan The Girls (hereinafter, Nippon Pu Women)"🌼

In the Japan -Pu Women's project "1 minute PR", he showed me the "Kiki Ochan", which would compare and compare my favorite "tea" and hit the product name.🍵

The appearance of Rori -chan, who is a little nervous, is very cute and smiles.💕

Riki -chan, who participated in the day of Pup girls in a situation where they had no training or entertainment life.😌

Although singing and dancing are inexperienced, the first "level division test" appeals to the unique charm and possibility, out of the five stages of A, B, C, D, F.The second B class from the topIt was sorted to👏

Rori -chan has a good start, but he cannot enter the debut area until the second half of the program ...😢

However, Riki -chan, who humbles the trainer humbly and has a high absorption power,With the performance in the position battle, the talent blooms at a stretch🌸

especiallyWaking on wrap skillsIt became a hot topic when it was too great📢

After that, he showed the best performance, and the individual ranking just before the final stage rose from 17th to 3rd place! !

In the ranking announcement ceremony"I'm not satisfied with this ranking yet, I will keep my debut area and make my debut."It was very impressive to talk about a strong determination✊✨

In the final stage, Rori -chan was selected as a member of Me: I with the wonderful result of second place.👑

On April 17, 2024, the debut single "MIRAI" will be released and debuted brilliantly.👏🎊

Riri -chan, who has made the wrap that she started in earnest in the Japanese -day girl.❕

We continue to increase fans with a wide range of charms, such as impressive cat face, dignified aura, and fascinating rap.👏

Let's approach such a lovely aspect of Rori.💕

Riku -chan's nickname is "Rinrin" and "Rinrinhime"👸

I'm crazy about my fans with the super -positive personality "Rinrin Mind" that I recognize.💗

Rori -chan has a self -produced power!

Makeup and hairstyles that are perfect for cat face, boasting a unique visual✊✨

Riki -chan, who has such a outstanding sense and is good at facial management and concept digestion.💖

@official_me_i_ 💭🖤 #RINON #ME_I #Miai #미 이 ♬ Original song -Eotono rice ️🍚
@official_me_i_ I like the song 🩷 #RINON #ME_I #Miai #미 이 ♬ Swamp! My Rubber -Iginari Tohoku

The changing expression and the cute face are too cute, isn't it?😍🤍

Next, I will approach the positive inner surface of Rori -chan.❕

Me: I Rori Murakami is a super positive personality! What is "Rinrin Mind"?

Me: i Murakami

Quotation source

One of the reasons why Riku is loved is his super positive personality.🌷

The name is "Rinrin Mind"🐈‍⬛💖

Riri -chanThe person himself often uses the phrase Rinrin Mind👑

@official_me_i_ 📹: ⊹ Message from me: i Roshi Murakami #ME_I #Miai #미 이 #Muri Murakami #MurakamiRinon #ME_I_RINON ♬ Original song -me: i

Rori -chan, the owner of Rinrin Mind, is among Me: I."Positive Princess"It seems👸👑

In an interview

"I'm so positive that I can be amazed, and my mother says," Do you need a little more negative thinking? "(Laughs)."

I say😌💕

Rori -chan himself has his strengths, and the positive personality and mental strength have gained popularity since Japan.💡

Rori -chan confessed to Kaela Kimura, the national producer, saying, "I have never been frustrated."

Mr. Kaella asked, "Is there any weakness?"

"I can't clean up the room. But I think I can't do it!"

I answered😌✨

You can see the high sense of self -affirmation.😍🤍

There are many places to emulate in the attitude of Rio -chan, who accepts "I can't do it" and captures any difficulties positively ...!

Also, in the interview after debut

"I think," I haven't done it but I can do it absolutely, "and the word" I can do it "is a very common thing, but I think it will come true if I really try it. ]

I was talking❕

From this idea, he challenged Japan Pu Girls with the confidence that he could debut, continued to work harder, and fulfilled his dream of his debut.

I was only 16 years old when I participated in Japan Pu Women, but I was impressed that I could think so adultly.😭❣

Rinrin World's "Rinrin Mind" is fully open that not only fans but also ME: I members are longing!

The positive strength like Riku -chan will surely attract many people in the future.✊✨

Dance and lap are perfect! ME: I 3 must -see performance videos of Roshi Murakami!

Me: i Murakami

Quotation source

Riri -chan, who attracts people with a unique character🐈‍⬛💖

The potential as an idol is also quite amazing.✨

From here on, we will carefully select and deliver Roshi -chan's must -see performance.💌

[Hinpu Girls] Chan Minina "Beauty"

The first thing to introduce is the Chanmina "Beauty", which was shown in the Nippon Pupils' position battle.♪

Among the fans"Rori -chan's awakening stage"It is also said☺🎀

The nickname "Rinrinhime" was also born from this performance lyric.✨

With a sweet rap with a dull atmosphere and a cute expression, he appealed to Rori -chan!

It is a masterpiece aura that is attracted by the viewer ...!

Also, if you look at the beehinds, you can also convey the strength of Rori's core hidden in this stage and complicated thoughts.😢

Please take a look at Chicchem where you can see the whole story of Rori who is good at attracting.💖

[Japan Pu Women] "ATOZ"

The second one is "ATOZ", which was shown in the concept battle of Nippon Pu Women.♪

The stage that was shown as the next test of "Beauty" introduced earlier!

I changed the concept and exploded even more charm.🌼

It is a must -see for a ramp performance that is fully open, which is accented among the songs with a cute concept.👀✨

In fact, by reorganization after the ranking ceremony, Rori -chan decided to move from the team he originally practiced ...

There is also a harsh episode that you entered the ATOZ team and remembered the swing and standing position in one day.😢

Please take a look at Riki -chan's Chicchem, which has a very cute expression.💖

[Studio Choom Original] "Hi-Five"

Last but not least is the performance of "Hi-Five" at the Korean music content Studio Choom Original.♪

"Hi-Five", the latest song of Me: I to be released on August 28, 2024🌷

You can see the fresh and sparkling performances of Rori who has become better in rap and dance.❕

The smiling smile from the cat face that remains innocent is the best, isn't it?✨

This is becoming more fun to see with the expressive power of Rori -chan 🥰🤍

Me: i Murakami Riku is the first place in the monthly pushing ranking "September"! Special privilege ants only first place!

Celebrated 11thThe first place in "September" was ME: I from Murakami Murakami.👑

What a ri -chan won 1,285 votes out of 2,979 votes in total!

After the start of the poll, many YOU: Me (ME: I fan name) were excited.💕

From You: ME

"Rinrin Thank you for always happy! !!

ME: I is the first time that I bought a CD and joined the fan club!

It was my first time to get into the idol so much, and I was not interested in female idols, but I fell in love with Rinrin at first sight after watching the performance video of "Beauty" in the Rin -Rin Day P.

From there, I started watching the day from the beginning, and I had to vote every day with Rinrin 1Pick.

When Rinrin was second in the second place, he cried unintentionally.

Even after my debut, I am always encouraged by Rinrin, who will grow every day and work hard every day.

Rinrin is the driving force for me!

I know that Rinrin is working a lot, so please continue to rush with a positive mind.

The tea confectionery team will continue to follow Rinrin for the rest of his life!

I hope Rinrin will be able to stand on stage happily! "

"Cat face and personality is like a cat, so cute Rinrinhime♡

Enjoy your life with the Rinrin mind today! "

"Thank you for your wonderful performance! !!

I'm looking forward to seeing various Rinrinhime in the future! ! "

"I'm always saved by Rinrin's positive mind, and I don't think I'll do my best to do more! !!

Thank you for making a big decision to become an idol💓

I love you all the time 🫶🏻」

I received a lot of support comments overflowing with love.✨

Congratulations to You: Me! !

Also, thank you for participating in the voting.🙇‍♀️

Riri -chan, who won the first place in this month's monthly pushing ranking ....

Proper ads (Unica Vision "," HISAYA CENTRAL VISION "," CS Vision "(CS Vision"Birthday / Support advertisement) will be "doubled" at the regular fee.💕

BirthdayMe: Ryo Murakami's recommended advertisement (I)Birthday/Cheering advertisements) Let's put out!

Do you know "recommended advertising"?💡

「BirthdayMany people may know, such as "advertising" and "support advertising".♪

To put it simply, one of the ways to support fans will support the recommended ads.📢

Here is such a recommended advertisement (BirthdayI will introduce about /support advertising).✊✨

Progress advertisement (Birthday/Cheering advertising)?

One of the recommended culture that began in Korea is the support method called "recommended advertising".✨

「BirthdayIt is also called "advertising" and "support advertisement", and it is familiar to K-POP fans and audition program fans.💡

The recommended advertisement is an advertisement that fans will spontaneously publish according to the birthday and anniversary of the push.📢

You can post advertisements in various places, such as visions in the city and station premises!

I want to support you!」「I want to celebrate my birthday and anniversary!Fans around the world with the feeling of "" are spontaneously advertising non -profit.😊

In addition, recommended advertisements include not only "I can convey our thoughts to push", but also the merit of "I can promote various people!"💡

The recommended advertisement of Rori -chan, who has just debuted, should be seen in various places in the future.💖

If you want to advertise ME: I, including Riku -chan, be sure to check the precautions from the official in advance.😻

Me: I provision for support advertising

If you think, "I want to actually give Riku -chan's advertisement!", Please feel free to contact us.🌟

Realize dream advertising!BirthdayIntroducing Crafans!

"I want to give an advertisement, but I'm worried about the cost and I'm very ready ..."Surely those who are worried.😢

What I would like to introduce this time is ""BirthdayCrafand"is🌟

BirthdayWhat is a crafan?

Launched a project to issue a support advertisement for individuals and plannedServices to realize support advertising by exchanging support money for those who agree

That's it!

By sharing support for those who agree with the plan,

The great advantage is that you can give a large -scale advertisement that is difficult to put out alone✨

BirthdayYou may be able to advertise on Fundam -scale by using a crafand.

We support the project launch, payment management, delivery management, etc. together with the planners.♪

In fact, N.SSIGN, ENHYPEN's Sone -kun, & Team's Harua -kun's crafts achieved the target amount and advertised!

Also,"I want to advertise, but I don't have time to prepare and plan ...!Even if you are frustrated, please be assured!

Even such a personBirthdayYou can participate in the recommended advertisement by becoming a "supporter" of Krafan ⭐

This isBirthdayIt is one of the great strengths of Crafan💗

For those who support the project, we offer return products made in part of the support money.♪

If you do not reach the target amount, there will be no commission and will be refunded to your supporters, so please be assured.

BirthdayIf you are worried about crafans, we will also provide free chat and telephone consultation on the official LINE, so please feel free to contact us!

BirthdayI want to know more about crafans!Please see here too!

BirthdayIntroducing the types of advertisements that can be given by crafans and the flow of achieving them in detail.♪


This timeME: I Murakami -chan special feature, selected as the first place in the September pushing rankingI sent you♪

Riki -chan who grabbed his debut dream with a good performance of singing, dancing, and rap, with a good performance of the last second place!

In Japan Pu Women, I couldn't take an eye on the rapid growing figure.👀❕

Above all, the skills and sense of the natural star, the skills that absorb advice and surely drop into the performance, maybe Rori -chan's weapon.✊✨

In terms of mental side, I am cheerful for members and YOU: Me in the positive "Rinrin Mind".

A lovely cat face, an addictive rap, a sensitive expression management, a positive personality with a high self -affirmation ...

There are a lot of swamp points, and the more you know, the more you will be addicted to it.🐈‍⬛💕

Once again, congratulations to me: i Murakami, who was selected as the first place in September, and everyone at You: Me.♪

Leave it to Senil JAPAN!

After reading this article, "I also recommend an advertisement (Birthday I want to give out a support advertisement)! I guess there are many people who felt.♪

I don't have the courage to advertise ...」「Isn't the procedure difficult?If you are worried, please feel free to consult Senil JAPAN ^^

If you register the official LINE of Senil JAPAN,Automatic response chat solves concerns about cheering advertising!

It is safe to be able to consult by phone as well as chat to the staff.♪

Consultation -medium arrangement -design production -advertising reportYou can complete it only with LINE!

First of all, please register LINE friends ^^

★SNS information of Senil JAPAN★

In Senil JAPAN, ""X」「Instagram」「TiktokWe are also distributing SNS♪

Birthday/We distribute information on actors and idols and deals, as well as support advertising information, so please follow up ^^

X (@birthday_ad_jp)

I want to get the information of Senil JAPAN quickly!If you say, please follow X♪

In X, under implementationBirthday/We will deliver information on blog publications, such as support advertisements and idols and actors that we update every week we have been updated ^^

We also deliver information on campaigns, so don't miss it!

Instagram (@Birthday.ad.jp)

I want to get information in an easy -to -understand manner!If you say, please follow Instagram!

Instagram offers the contents of the actors and idol blogs that we distribute every week in images in an easy -to -understand manner.♪

ImplementedBirthday/We also introduce support advertisements, so please refer to those who are considering!

You can always look back by "saving" your favorite posts ^^

Tiktok (@Birthday.ad.jp)

Emphasis on time shorter! I want to get information quickly in the video!For those who say, we recommend following Tiktok.♪

@birthday.ad.jp This is our thoughts on our activities😄I'm looking forward to being connected with everyone with the same feelings!#Promotion #KPOP #Tota activity #Birthdayadvertisement #BirthdayAdvertising Agency JAPAN #South Korea #Japan #Korean information ♬ Pop! --Nayeon

At TiktokBirthday/Information about support advertisements and blog information is explained in an easy -to -understand manner ^^

Because it is a short video, you can watch it in a short time in the morning.♪

We plan to send various information through SNS in the future!

Please follow up so that you do not miss the latest information ^^