[First half of 2023] The latest K-POP album sales ranking! How to find out the number of sales?

I will send you this timeK-POP album sales ranking in the first half of 2023is!
Many idols make their debuts and Kamuba every month, and new albums will be released ^^
Among them, are you worried about who the albums are selling?
In general, the sound board (album) has a strong male group that is said to have a thick fan base, but when you look at the ranking, you have a surprising result ...? !
moreover,「I'm worried about the album sales!Introducing how to investigate the number of albums for those who say.I will do it♪
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How to find the number of CD sales of K-POP?
Isn't there a lot of people who are worried about the number of album sales? ^^
Here, we will introduce how to investigate the number of sales.♪
first,To know the number of copies of salesSoundboard chartI will refer to "!
According to the Korean sound source chartHunt chart"and「Circle chart (former Gaon chart)There are two.
Let's look at the difference between the two charts!
Hunt chart
- Sales basis
- Since only the number of merchants sold, overseas sales are not reflected ...
- The sound board chart used in "The Show" and "Show Champion"
- If you want to contribute to the first day/initial sales, buy it at the Hunt Chart Member store!
Hunt chartIs an aggregation of the number of copies that were actually sold at the merchant.Sales basis"The sound board chart!
If you want to contribute to the "first -day sales" and "initial sales" that are attracting attention to the group's popularity, make sure to purchase them from the Hunt Chart Member!
The hunt chart is a chart that shows how much it sold.
However, since only merchants are aggregated, it is often not possible to reflect overseas sales.
Because it is a chart that is tuned in real time, many music programs are used for the noise score!
Circle chart
- Shipment base
- Since the number of sheets shipped from wholesalers is collected, overseas sales are reflected!
- Soundboard charts used in "M Countdown", "Music Bank", "SHOW Music Center", and "Popular Kayo"
Isn't there a lot of people who are familiar with the old Gaon chart? ^^
Circle chartThere are various charts such as digital, streaming, and downloads as well as sound boards.
The soundboard chart of the circle chart, one of them, is "Shipment baseThe aggregation is being performed in!
In other words"Number of sheets shipped from wholesalers to stores-Returned numberIs a ranking by aggregating.
Since the number of sheets shipped to the store is the feature of overseas sales!
The point I want to keep in the circle chart is basically that the number of "reservations + stores + stock" that the dealer ordered is not the actual number of sales!
Also, since the returned amount is deducted later, it may be lower than the first number.
It is a soundboard chart that is often used in year -end music programs because it is necessary to see the movement in the long term!
K-POP sales ranking in the first half of 2023!
* Circle chart reference
41-50th place
50th placeSF9 "THE PIECE OF9"182,724 sheets
49th placeSEVENTEEN "7th mini album `헹 래`191,264 sheets
48th placeAgust D "D-day (Weverse)]191,896 sheets
47th place smtown "2022 Winter Smtown: Smcu Palace』194,646 sheets
46th placeSEVENTEEN "10th mini album `fml` (kit)]199,992 sheets
45th placeSHINee "Hard -The 8th album "200,739 sheets
44th placeNEWJEANS "1st EP `NEW JEANS` (Weverse)]203,455 sheets
43rd placeEnhypen "Dark Blood (Weverse)]207,127 sheets
42nd placeLE SSERAFIM "Unforgiven (Weverse)]208,045 sheets
41st placeLE SSERAFIM "Antifragile]208,394 sheets
31-40th place
40th placeSEVENTEEN BSS "1st Single Album `Second Wind` (Weverse)]212,010 sheets
39th placeNCT DREAM "Candy -Winter Special Mini Album]214,298 sheets
38th placeNCT DREAM "Candy -Winter Special Mini Album (SMC)]214,530 sheets
37th placeKai "Rover -The 3rd mini album]218,893 sheets
36th placeJisoo "Me (NEMO)]227,999 sheets
35th placeP1 harmony "Harmony: All in]238,831 sheets
34th place(G) i-Dle "I Feel (POCA)]244,000 sheets
33rd placeStray Kids "MaxideNT]263,678 sheets
32nd placeCravity "Master: Piece]295,690 sheets
31st placeSEVENTEEN "9th mini album `Attacca`]325,852 sheets
21-30th place
30th placeJimin "Face (Weverse)]329,112 sheets
29th placeTOMORROW X TOGETHER "름 의 의: Temptation (Weverse)"356,659 sheets
28th placeSTAYC "TEDDY BEAR"404,798 sheets
27th placeTHE BOYZ "8th mini album [be awake]]414,253 sheets
26th placeMONSTA X "REASON "417,923 sheets
25th placeNEWJEANS "`OMG` (Weverse)]424,632 sheets
24th placeNEWJEANS "1st EP `NEW JEANS`]426,848 sheets
23rd placeTAEYONG "Shalala -The 1st mini album]458,429 sheets
22nd placeATEEZ "THE WORLD EP.2: Outlaw (Minirecord)]495,031 sheets
21st placeSEVENTEEN "10th mini album `fml` (Weverse)]532,756 sheets
11-20th place
20th placeLEE CHANWON "ONE"563,208 sheets
19th placeSEVENTEEN BSS "1st Single Album` Second Wind` "577,211 sheets
18th placeSEVENTEEN "4th album `Face the Sun`]619,469 sheets
17th placeNCT DOJAEJUNG "Perfume -The 1st mini album]711,756 sheets
16th place(G) i-Dle "I Feel "917,125 sheets
15th placeNMIXX "EXPERGO "956,319 sheets
14th placeATEEZ "THE WORLD EP.2: Outlaw "996,090 sheets
13th placeNCT127 "Ay -yo --THE 4th album Repackage]1,009,526 sheets
12th placeJisoo "Me "1,134,355 sheets
11th placeNEWJEANS "`OMG`]1,148,843 sheets
1st place
10thAgust D "D-day]1,153,019 sheets
Ninth placeJimin "Face "1,286,803 sheets
8th placeLE SSERAFIM "Unforgiven]1,305,789 sheets
7th placeEnhypen "Dark Blood]1,454,389 sheets
Sixth placeIVE "I`ve Ive]1,578,495 sheets

Fifth placeTWICE "Ready to be1,687,758 sheets
4thAESPA "My World -The 3rd Mini Album"2,018,429 sheets
3rd placeTOMORROW X TOGETHER "름 의 의: Temptation ”2,782,136 sheets
Second placeStray Kids "★★★★★ (5-Star)]5,242,486 sheets
First placeSEVENTEEN "10th mini album `fml`]5,453,734 sheets
This time, we introduced the K-POP album sales ranking in the first half of 2023.♪
The album sells a male group! It was said, but many female groups such as AESPA, TWICE, and Ive are at the top ^^
I'm looking forward to what the result is in the second half!
Also, if you are worried about the number of copies of the recommended group, please check it out on the chart site!
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