The ク clan is a big bush! I asked "Gyeongsu's Senil Celebration Corps" about the back story of the center advertisement! Is the key to success in the blog?


This time,Interview with EXO's D.O. (hereinafter referred to as the nickname "Gyeongsu" from fans) every year "Gyeongsu Senlen Celebration (hereinafter referred to as the profile name" Kagome ")".I have done!

Kagome -san has been planning Gyeongsu's Senil advertising since 2023 through Senil Crafan.😊

The first planned 2023 project was a big buzz, and Senil advertisements were greatly successful.👏

In this interview,I've been talking about the charm of Gyeongs and the backstory of Senlrafan!

Also,We also introduce the gorgeous Senil advertisement in 2024, so please check it out.🎂✨

Read this interview with Kagome -san,

"I want to release a recommended Senil!"

"I'm interested in Senil Crafan!"

If you have anybody, please feel free to contact us.

We also provide free consultation on LINE, so please register your friends first.♪


What kind of person is "Gyeongsu Senil Celebration Corps"?

Quote source

"Gyeongsu's Senil Celebration Corporation (hereinafter," Profile name on the blog "Kagome") is a person who is planning a Senil ad for EXO's D.O. is😊

In 2023, the first Senil project "EXO D.O. Dogyeongs Senil Project 2023", which was released for the first time through Senil Crafan, had a major response.🌟

Achieved 748%of the target amount, and in addition to the CM monitor ads that were originally planned, all seven Senil advertisements were issued, including AMT advertisements at Incheon Airport, digital signage advertisement, wide advertising, and SNS advertisements. Ta👏

I will introduce it in detail in the interview later,The key to Senil Crafan's success was your own blog!

The blog, which started in 2017, has extraordinary love and heat for Gyeongs! !

At a glance, Gyeongsu -san is written at a glance that "Otaku" wrote at a glance.😊

Gyeongsu fans will definitely sympathize! Please read it because it is written up to the super -maniac content.♪

This time, Kagome -san, who is full of love and passion for Gyeongsu,I heard about the appeal of the push, the backstory of last year's Senil advertising, and the blog that buzzed Senil Crafan.☺️

Please check here for Kagome's SNS.✨

★Kagome -sanX (old) Twitter

★Kagome -sanblog

To the swamp of "Gyeongssu, I don't understand"

BirthdayJAPAN staff: When did Gyeongsu's fans?

Kagome -san: From the middle of 2015!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: How did you become a fan?

Kagome -san: Originally I liked JYJ Jaejoong!

I was chasing while watching various people's blogs, but since Jaejoong joined, I didn't see much blogs, so I had time.

At that time, my senior at the workplace introduced me, "EXO is good."

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Why was Gyeongssu while there were many members?

Kagome -san: Actually, Gyeongs was the weakest! (lol)

But I watched a lot of music videos, and I'm always worried for some reason!

I don't like it, but do you like to see this much? I thought.

So, when I saw the drama "EXO next door" that all members of EXO came out, both visuals and roles were in Donpisha! I was hooked from there!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Is it Gyeongssu since then?

Kagome -san:I agree!

I was so tired of it, so I've never pushed someone like this!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: What kind of place do you have in Gyeongsu?

Kagome -san: You don't really get tired.

Every time I see it, I have a lot of faces, and the charm of Gyeongsu is confusing at first glance, but if you know it, there is no bottom!

Fans often say "Gyeongssu who doesn't understand"

I don't know at all even if I understand.

So I fall in love fresh every time.

I just like it without cooling at all!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Wow ... Even after 8 years? Nice 🥺

Kagome -san: I'm grateful that I can continue to stay!

He has never been disappointed, so he always goes beyond his expectations.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Please tell us more about Gyeongssu's charm!

Kagome -san: It's a little different from ordinary idols.

I'm an idol, but I have myself.

I don't do anything I don't want to do.

That's why I take care of myself,

I feel relieved to see the idols living like themselves.

But when working as an idol as an EXO, it's really cool when the switch is turned on!

I think the gap is very attractive.

Also, it is transmitted that seniors and colleagues are really loved by everyone.

That's the place!

"I don't want to reduce the number of fans of Gyeongsu" Blog that continued to update every day even during military service

BirthdayJAPAN staff: When did you start your blog?

Kagome -san: From August 2017!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: How much pace is it written?

Kagome -san: At first, I wrote a couple of times a week.

Recently, I write once or twice a week at the timing of Gyeongsu's job!

I wrote it every day while Gyeongsu was enlisting! (lol)

It was hard, but I don't want to reduce the number of Gyeongs fans!

While I was waiting for Jaejoong, I changed my mind ...

I didn't want to cool down to Gyeongssu, and I didn't want people around me to leave.

I wrote my blog every day and wrote it as if I could keep my heart away from Gyeongs.

In the meantime, the number of people reading blogs has increased dramatically!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: That's a wonderful initiative.

The content is written tightly every time!

Kagome -san: It takes 5 or 6 hours (laughs)

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Does it take that much? !

Kagome -san: I will write while sleeping! (lol)

Originally, I couldn't keep the reason I started writing, and I wanted to share my feelings with various people.

Did you want a place to talk like that?

I'm not good at communicating my feelings with short words, so I probably have a blog!

I have spread human relationships alone.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: What kind of content was written every day during the military service?

Kagome -san: "Gyeongsu wearing red clothes"

"Gyeongsu eating rice"

"Gyeongsu's eyes, nose"

Or, I decided on a theme every day! (lol)

It was really hard to think about the theme, but I wrote it.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: It's a maniac! (lol)

Even if Gyeongsu triggered, there are many Kagome -san fans who are writing a blog?

Kagome -san: I'm grateful that I've recently said that way.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: It's nice that the circle spreads like this.

Kagome -san: I wrote a blog, so I guess many people cooperated with Senil project.

Share your feelings for Gyeongs with Senil advertising

BirthdayJAPAN staff: You first issued Senil advertisements for your 2023 birthday.

What made you want to get out?

Kagome -san: Around 2015 and 2016, Senil advertising had a culture in Korea.

There were people who have been advertising Senil, and I thought I couldn't do that, so I was watching while thinking that it was amazing.

But I thought it was a pity that that person wouldn't give it out,

More and more people read blogs when Gyeongsu was enlisting

"Maybe you can do it now?"

I tried it and tried it!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: What kind of thought did you want to release Senil ads?

Kagome -san: I want you to reach Gyeongssu, but it's honestly second and three.

First of all, I wanted to shape my feelings.

"I'm really grateful for being born."

"Thank you for becoming an artist, continuing to work in front of us, and makes me happy."

It is best to want to make such feelings into shape anyway.

It's fun to do it alone, but it's more fun to be everyone, so I'm hoping that everyone can do something!

On my 2022 birthday, I have made "rice that I want to eat for Gyeongsu", and I have me send me a photo, and I have given it on my blog!

Blog post➡️Gyeongssu♡Man Man Man Mani Mogo♡♡♡

Everyone sent me a very elaborate dish.

At that time, I realized that I wanted to celebrate and enjoy my favorite birthday, so I wanted to do a project that everyone could enjoy.

The first Senil advertisement that I had a lot of anxiety and anxiety

BirthdayJAPAN staff: What did you do first when you wanted to release Senil?

Kagome -san: I talked to my close children and their families about trying to advertise Senil.

I thought I shouldn't bother you when a trouble occurred because of the money, and I was opposed! (lol)

At first it was a bit hard to persuade your husband.

Even if you say that you do it properly using an agency,

"I don't know if the agency is properly,

I'm having a good friend and doing fun by writing a blog now, but I can't ruin it, so if I stop

I was told.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Did you finally be convinced?

Kagome -san: Finally, I was convinced!

I think I was probably worried that I was doing it alone.

I was alone, but when I talked to an acquaintance who had a video in Japan, or talked to a friend who had a cup holder event in Japan, I was told to do it!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: You were worried.

What were you looking forward to after you decided to advertise Senil?

Kagome -san: An advertisement that has longed for years.

Moreover, it was just really fun to be able to advertise with the design and messages I thought.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: It's hard to experience advertising in your life!

Have you ever been worried?

Kagome -san: How far can the agency can support you, or can you really do it in a situation where there is no amateur or a PC?

After that, I couldn't speak Korean, and I was worried that some people would be able to do it even though they were really ordinary people.

I got various DMs, not just good opinions.

However, I thought that I could not proceed with the project unless I reply properly, and when I consulted with the person in charge, I was really kind and taught, so it was very helpful.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: I wonder if there was a lot of trouble.

Kagome -san: I was finished without any trouble last year, so this year I didn't do that, so I'm glad I was!

Senil Crafan is a big buzz! Is the key to success "blog"?

BirthdayJAPAN staff: It seems that it was the first Senil advertisement last year, but the response of Senil Crafan was very large.

Kagome -san: I was happy, but it was scary (laughs)

I felt the pressure was great.

I was grateful that there were so many people who wanted to celebrate Gyeongsu

I was scared of the deadline as if I could keep a lot of money, and it was an extreme feeling.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Did you know more supporters?

Kagome -san: I think many people are looking at my blog.

I've been writing a blog for a long time, so I wonder if I knew my person and cooperated.

Isn't it a bit suspicious even if you suddenly say a crash?

But I guess the person who has been supporting Gyeongs so far will do it.

It was time when I thought that there were some people to cooperate now, but I thought it was good.

At first glance, we will carry out a long -awaited Senil advertisement at Incheon Airport!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: You have given seven ads, including the CM monitor ads that were originally planned! How was additional ads decided?

Kagome -san: Anyway, I thought I couldn't spend up money without a big advertisement with Dokan, so I asked the person in charge to tell a big ad.

When I saw the advertisement at Incheon Airport, I was so fascinated that I fell in love at first sight!


That was a very good response.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Did you actually go to see it?

Kagome -san:yes! I traveled to Korea according to Senil!

BirthdayJAPAN staff:how was it?

Kagome -san:can't believe it! I mean! (lol)

A lot of people were really happy, so I was glad I went there.

You will not be able to move from the spot.

You can go there and end it (laughs)

I want to do Senil advertising that leads to social contribution

BirthdayJAPAN staff: How did you get Senil advertising this year?

Kagome -san: I thought it would be important to continue.

I didn't want to think about what happened if I didn't put it out the next year, even though I cheered Gyeongs.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Have you ever changed last year and this year?

Kagome -san: I was crazy about last year,

This time, I thought it would be my mission to use the important money I had to use for Gyeongsu's advertising, without wasting the precious money I had.

This year, I asked an acquaintance to ask for a design to save money, and I was willing to take over and I was able to get another new advertisement!

I guess I thought hard to use Gyeongsu's advertising without wasting money.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Are there any highlights of this year's ads?

Kagome -san: This year, we decided to issue an advertisement on the back cover of the magazine "Big Sashew"!

The Koreans have a donation culture, and they wanted to do what they would contribute to society while issuing advertisements, so I chose this time.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: It's a magazine that supports homeless people.

Kagome -san: Last year, I had a pediatric cancer group donated through a group of Gyeongsu fans in Korea.

I was told to Koreans who got along with that connection, "I think Korea will be pleased because Korea has been donated," and I definitely wanted to do it!

Message to those who want to do Senil Crafan

BirthdayJAPAN staff: I want to do Senil advertising and Senil crafts! Do you have any advice?

Kagome -san: I think I was able to cooperate with many people because I had been sending on my blog so far.

So, suddenly, Crafan! I thought it would be smooth if I transmitted my thoughts on my recommendation and expanded the relationship!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: It's important to want to do it with you.

Kagome -san: It's not cheap money, so I think there are some concerns about trouble, so

Why did you choose an ad and how did you think of it?

I think that I can feel safe by writing the exchange with the agency on the blog and making it visible!

The rest is to use an agency.

For me, I thought that using an agency would be a safe material, so I stopped doing it alone.

I think that doing it through an agency will protect yourself.

Senil advertisement to thank Gyeongs

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Are there any activities that you would like to do in the future?

Kagome -san: I don't have anything to do.

I hope that continuing blogs and continuing Senil ads as much as possible!

After that, I want to travel to Korea according to Senil and keep traveling around the sacred place of Gyeongs, so there is not much ambition! (lol)

BirthdayJAPAN staff: It's important to continue the pushing you want to do!

Is there any Senil advertisement you would like to do in the future?

Kagome -san: Jacking the train with Gyeongsu, which leads to social contributions.

I am particular about advertising in Korea, but I want to do something that I can not go to Korea even if I am in Japan!

This time, if you buy "Big Sashew", it will remain at hand, so I thought it was really good.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Is there a reason for your commitment to Korea?

Kagome -san: I want you to reach Gyeongsu!

From my friend's friend's friend (I wonder if it doesn't reach) (laughs)

Last year, I put it around my hometown of Gyeongsu.

He expresses his gratitude to his parents and his family, so I'd be happy if they could tell them if they could.

Of course, I'm not putting it out for that, but as a result, I'm a little happy!

After all, there is a little desire to deliver your feelings! (lol)

I have no choice but to thank Gyeongs, so I'm glad if that feeling is transmitted.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: It's been prepared by everyone, so I hope it arrives.

Thank you for your cooperation in the interview this time!

Introducing "2024.01.12 EXO D.O. DOH KYUNGSOO BIRTHDAY PROJECT"! Advertisement for the magazine "BIG ISSUE"!

Kagome -san2024 will also carry out Gyeongsu's Senil advertisement♪

Continuing from 2023, planning Senil advertisements through Senil Crafan🎂🌟

As soon as the recruitment starts, the so many Gyeongsu fans have supported me.😊

Let's take a look at what kind of Senil ads will appear in 2024!

① Magazine "BIG ISSUE" back cover advertisement



This is the back cover advertisement of the magazine "Big Ishu", which I was talking about with the recommended Senil advertisement this year.😊

"Big Isseu" is a "magazine that creates a homeless person's job and supports independence."

It is also possible to purchase from Japan through KTOWN4U, so please check it out.♪


② Gangnam Ward Office Station CM Monitor Advertising


🚃Korean Subway Line 7 / Gangnam Ward Office Station 


⏰ Am5: 00 -AM1: 00


③ Gangnam Ward Office Station Bus Shelter Advertising


🚌Gangnam Ward Office Station 2 Exit 2 Bath Shelter 


④ Kodai entry station Digital signage advertisement


🚃Route 2 Kodai entry station -Airport railway consolidated passage



A lot of wonderful ads are being prepared this year as well♪

There are some ads that are being carried out until February, so please visit Gyeongsu's birthday by all means when you go to Korea!

I hope you have your thoughts for your Gyeongssu.😊


Did you enjoy Kagome's interview?😊

Kagome -san, who was held for the first time last year, has been advertising that he has longed for for the first time!

Even if there are a lot of worries and hard things, once it passed, he only thought, "It was fun!"♪

Choosing a Senil advertisement that can contribute to society, it is also very cool!

There are not many cases where fans have been expanded in blogs that have been continuing for many years, achieving such a large project.

We hope that you will continue to have a wonderful circle through the push.😊

BirthdayJAPAN is supporting Gyeongssu and Zome, and fans!

BirthdayLeave it to Japan!

Looking at the examples introduced this time, many people may feel like "I want to give Senil advertising!"♪

If you are worried, "I don't have the courage to advertise ..." "Isn't it difficult to go?"

BirthdayIf you register the official LINE of JAPAN,Automatic response chat solves concerns about cheering advertising!

It is safe to be able to consult by phone as well as chat to the staff.♪

You can complete LINE only from consultation -medium arrangement -design production to advertising reports!

First of all, please register as a LINE friend ^^


★BirthdayJAPAN SNS information★

BirthdayIn Japan, "Twitter」「Instagram」「TiktokWe are also distributing SNS♪

We distribute not only the information of Senil/support advertisements, but also the information of actors and idols, and great deals, so please follow up ^^ 

Twitter (@birthday_ad_jp)

BirthdayI want to get JAPAN information as soon as possible!If you say, please follow Twitter♪

On Twitter, we will deliver information on blogs such as idols and actors that we have updated every week we have updated every week ^^

We also deliver information on campaigns, so don't miss it!

Instagram (

I want to get information in an easy -to -understand manner!If you say, please follow Instagram!

Instagram offers the contents of the actors and idol blogs that we distribute every week in images in an easy -to -understand manner.♪

We also introduce the Senil/Support Advertisements held, so if you are considering it, please refer to it!

You can always look back by "saving" your favorite posts ^^

Tiktok (

Emphasis on time shorter! I want to get information quickly in the video!For those who say, we recommend following Tiktok.♪ This is our thoughts on our activities😄I'm looking forward to being connected with everyone with the same feelings!#Promotion #KPOP #Tota activity #Senil advertising #Senil advertising Agency JAPAN #South Korea #Japan #Korean information ♬ Pop! --Nayeon

Tiktok explains information about Senil/support advertisements and blog information in an easy -to -understand manner ^^

Because it is a short video, you can watch it in a short time in the morning.♪

We plan to send various information through SNS in the future!

Please follow up so that you do not miss the latest information ^^