Interview with Kep1er Yong -un's Japan FD "Youngeun JPN"! I've heard the passion for pushing!

Kep1er ヨンウンの日本FD「YOUNGEUN JPN」にインタビュー!推しへの熱い思いを聞いてきました!

This time,I have been interviewing Kep1er Yong -un -chan's Japanese Fundam "Youngeun JPN".♪

Youngeun JPN is a Japanese Fundam who is mainly active in Senil Planning for Yong -Eun -chan's official information.

Last year, large -scale Senil projects such as Ikebukuro Palko Jack were also implemented.✨

The birthday announcement made by Fundam members is so high quality that it is incredibly mistaken for "official?!"♪ 

This time,Youngeun JPN himself, the secret story of Senil planning, and Yong -un -chan's charmI will do it😊

Are you ready to read Youngeun JPN's passion? ! (lol)

Read the interview,

I want to release a recommended Senil!

I am interested in the cheering advertising crafts!

If you have anybody, please feel free to contact us.

We also provide free consultation on LINE, so please register your friends first.♪


What kind of Fundam is "Youngeun JPN"?

Quote source

"Youngeun JPN" is a Japanese foundation of Yong Eun -chan of Kep1er 🦊

Immediately after his debut decision, he started his activities on SNS in December 2021 before Yong -Eun's birthday!

Illustrations, design, planning, etc. are gathered, and currently an account is operated by 4 people.♪

It seems that YOUNGEUN JPN members are also created by super high quality teaser.😳

Everyone is running Fandam while making the most of your skills.✨

Mainly on SNS

  • Information dissemination of official Yong -un -chan
  • Joint purchase
  • Senil event held


If you want to get Yong -un -chan's information, please check out Youngeun JPN's SNS.🐰♪

⭐️ The X (former Twitter) account of "Youngeun JPN" isHere

The main activity is a birthday project, and he always talks with the operating members in an open chat about what kind of sensory to use.

According to Youngeun JPNThere are many hot people who are hot!Yes, Youngeun JPN was also a very passionate person.✨

Senil planning is also enthusiastic, so please check out the interview after this! ! 

Interview with Youngeun JPN! Hot feelings for Yong -un

Fandom opened so that Eternal Dan can support in the same direction in the same direction

BirthdayJapan: Thank you today!

What made you decide to operate Yong Eun's Fundam account?

Youngeun JPN: Originally, there was no Yong -E -E -E -E -ON account in Japan.

However, from the Galpura period, Yong -E -Eun's Fundam was called "Ei Wondan", and a natural and highly united fan dumb was completed.

Everyone in Yong Eun was excited, but at the time of approaching December.

"I can't see an account that summarizes Yong -uun's Senil."

In response to the voice, we opened a Fundam account by recruiting some volunteers!

First of all, let's excite the Senil tag event alone! It started with that.

BirthdayJapan:I see! I got an account in December 2021, but everyone had been supporting Yong -un -chan before that.

Youngeun JPN:I agree!

From the time of Galpura, I think that there were many fans of Yong -un, a high heat!

While such a person came, I thought it would be nice to have an account to support in one direction, so I opened it in December.

BirthdayJapan: I think that it is often difficult to operate Fundam. Why did you decide to become an operation member?

Youngeun JPNAt first, I think there was a project to accumulate points in the app, charge and advertise with everyone, but I myself actively participated.

While I was doing it with the feeling of "I want to make my debut anyway," I supported one of the places that gave me a voice like "I think it is good (for the operator)".

I am doing this account because there are people who come to such a way, and if this high -volume Fandam faces the same direction, it will be possible to send more support and charm of Yong -un. 。

That's exactly the case.

"I want the charm to spread a little"

"If it gets a chance to get to know Yong -un, that's fine."

I just do it with the feeling of trying to do it.

BirthdayJapan: Nice (crying) 

Young -uun returns the love of fans in shape

BirthdayJapan: Do you have any good things about becoming a fan of Yong -un -chan and working as a foundation?

Youngeun JPN: The good thing about doing an account is

"There are many Yong -un fans in Japan"

That is, Yong -un that he knows well.

I don't think Fundam is not a representative of a fan, but a "fan platform".

One of the operating members.

I think Senil was able to be built with Japanese fans, and I think it would be nice that each person's thoughts had reached Yong -Eun!

BirthdayJapan:I see! Is there a specific episode that I thought I didn't reach Yong -un -chan?

Youngeun JPN: For example, in a paid message app, they try to talk hard in Japanese.

After that, they come quite often before events and live performances in Japan, and send messages to fans in Japanese.

He is a child who always makes words that the voice of Japanese fans has arrived.

I think it's a story where you can realize that you will tell you.

BirthdayJapan: I'm happy.

Youngeun JPN: Looking at it, Yong -un fans are also loving children, and they will be overprotected! (lol)

I think it's a big deal that Yong -E -Eun himself is trying to return it to the fans.

Adult fans are also captivated by Yong -Eun's mature concept!

BirthdayJapan: Fans of the group born on a survival program will push the fans as a whole! I feel that there is a trend.

Youngeun JPN:I agree.

Yong -un fans are rather high -age groups.

This gives a sense of skin, but there are many people who are in their 2 and 30s, or a little mother generation.

Take good care of yourself like your daughterI feel like there are more fans with a sense!

It is a place where you feel that you are communicating with your fans.

BirthdayJapan: Do you know that Yong Eun is supported by older fans?

Youngeun JPN: I think this is quite difficult, but there are also places where the person works hard,

The fact that the songs and performances can be cool and cute are one of the attractions.

Another reason is "very"A child who is thinking about an adult"

Because he is a type of child who has his own thoughts, he returns a very long sentence to consultation from fans.

In a good way, it's not childish.

I think one of the reasons for the mature way of thinking is one of the reasons why it can be seen flat, including adults.

BirthdayJapan: What made Youngeun JPN become a fan of Young Eun -chan in the first place?

Youngeun JPN: I looked at the first stage "Hero" that I showed on Galpura, and intuitively thought, "Oh, this child is amazing" and "I guess this child can go."


Before the song started, I was a very high school student like a normal high school student in a good way, and I thought she was a bright child.

However, looking at how to turn on the switch and performance at the moment the song started, I thought it was a very attractive child.

It was good to support each other with Zia (the trainee who was dancing in pairs), and I think that is a legendary stage forever!

BirthdayJapan: Actually, I saw dozens of times at the time! (Laughs) Do you still see Youngeun JPN? !

Youngeun JPN:(lol)

I still see it!

There are posts such as "It's still cool!"

I think everyone likes it! 

Communicating with fans is also important

BirthdayJapan: Next, please tell me the charm of Yong Eun!

Youngeun JPN: It's difficult in a word, but it's just right for all -rounder!

Singing, dancing, and laps are all high levels.

As for the song, there are some places that are introduced in the main vocal with Kep1er Chuhyun -chan.

Regarding dance, there are various performance solo parts, and since the Galpura era, there are also very cool places!

Also, I'm saying something like I am quite confident in the wrap and my wrap.

I don't think there's anything like "I'm not good at this", and it's a powerful sense!

After all, I feel like I'm an adult and a very love child.

As I mentioned in the episode I mentioned, there were times when I had a daily conversation with a message app, and I sometimes got a fans consultation.

He is a child who has a solid idea, gives a straightforward thought to fans' consultation, and is very important to communicate with fans.

The message app also comes almost almost every day.

Even when you don't have time, you may talk to you,

At the end of the lesson, you may be talking for about an hour at night.

I think it's also attractive to value communication with fans.

I took a picture because I wanted to show a photo of the sky! Sometimes I send it suddenly.

BirthdayJapan: Eh! cute! (lol)

Youngeun JPN: I think it's actually one of the idol work.

I think it's also attractive that you just enjoy communication anyway, without feeling a job.

I guess it's especially true to show that the fans take care of them.

Yong -une is an idol who can put expectations

BirthdayJapan: What kind of idol is Young -Eun -chan from Youngeun JPN?

Youngeun JPN: For me, it's worth living ...

If Yong Eun can enjoy idols, I think that's fine.

You may be able to put your own expectations, or you may be the target of your expectations.

There is also a fun child what will happen to this child.

BirthdayJapan: I see ... Is there anything you expect from Yong Eun -chan?

Youngeun JPN: I think that you can see the sound sources, sound boards, and grades in K-POP,

I think it would be the best if I could work until I was satisfied, thinking that it was good to be an idol.

As for the expectation, I hope that you do what you want to do without regret and what you want to do as an idol.

BirthdayJapan: That's exactly love!

"U+Me = Love" of the Japanese performance that realized "I'm glad you made a debut"

BirthdayJapan: What are the most memorable things that I've been supporting Yong -un so far?

Youngeun JPN: "U+Me = Love" was shown as Kep1er in Japan.


It's a song that I challenged as a mission in the Galpura era,

When I showed me as Kep1er's Yong -un as a person who had been supporting since the Galpura era, I was very impressed.

I think it was the first time I saw it during the Japanese tour in Yoyogi, but I cried.

There are many emotional things to show off Galpura's songs.

I also had the opportunity to see the signal song "O.O.O", but there are things that I can see many times.


When I heard it, it seemed like a tears coming out, as if everything was purified.

I'm really glad this child made a debut

I've been doing my best to stand on the stage

I felt strong.

BirthdayJapan: I was almost crying just by listening (laughs)

Young -uun's Senil project that everyone can enjoy!


BirthdayJapan: What is Senil Planning since last year?

Youngeun JPN:I agree. Large -scale Senil project has been around last year!

BirthdayJapan: What kind of Senil was planned?

Youngeun JPN: The plan as a foundation is

・ Bath shelter advertisement in front of the office


・ Ikebukuro Palko Jack


・ Cup holder event


・ Message video


・ Message album


I did it!

BirthdayJapan: What projects were popular?

Youngeun JPN: There are two things that have a particularly high response.

One is a bus stop advertisement in front of the office.

It was a bus stop across the pedestrian crossing from the office, but the person himself went to see the ad.

I gave a photo saying "I went to see it" in the plum, and when I saw it, the fans were very excited, "This arrived!"

The other is that Ikebukuro Palko Jack's project has led to a response because the size was large.

The background of this is that it is close to the end of the year, so a lot of people will come to commercial facilities.

Of course, not only the fans of Yong -un, but I did a jack project, including the general public, saying, "This child, I often see it at this shop today, but what is it?"

Fans of other K-POP groups also commented "This is amazing", so I'm thinking that the response was great.

BirthdayJapan: That was a great success! What did you feel when you were preparing?

Youngeun JPN: The preparation stage is ... I was wearing it during the busy period of the year, so there was a part that was physically powerful ...

There was something I wanted to deliver in shape, and I wanted to do something that fans can sympathize with, not Fandom's self -sufficiency.

Of course, those who participated in support,

Even if you can't help, including children who like Yong -un

I was doing it with the idea that "I wish everyone could enjoy it."

"Let's make this success!"

"I want to succeed, I want to make something good"

I was doing it with that feeling.

BirthdayJapan: How do you see the fans who came to see Senil advertising?

Youngeun JPN: Because it is a celebration in the form of birthday,

I hope you think "I'm glad you supported me".

I don't think it would be easy for trainees to advertise on this scale.

However, I thought that this project was able to be able to do this because everyone supported and "this is the size that made me debut as an idol", and "how to cheer that can only be made by idols."

that's why,"I'm glad that Yong -Eun was able to make a debut"And"I want to support this child in the futureWith a feeling like

While each one had the thoughts on Yong -un, I was doing it with the hope that I would like to see it!

From now on, as many people as possible

BirthdayJapan: I've been one year left, but how do you want to run with Yong Eun -chan of Kep1er?

Youngeun JPN: The person himself worked hard to become an idol, so

I think it would be best if I could end the activities that would be good to be an idol.

For that reason, I want as many people as possible to convey Yong -un's charm.

Only the person himself knows what will happen to Yong -wong in the future, but for example, if you continue to be idols, or if you retire and concentrate on ordinary daily life,

I hope that as many people as possible care about Yong -un and can support them so that they can support them positively.

BirthdayJapan: So, are there any specific events and activities you want to do in the future?

Youngeun JPN: I've done a lot of things, so I don't want to do anything as a foundation,

I personally hope that something like a solo exhibition can be done.

It's like an exhibition that looks back on Yong -un's activities!

I wish I could decorate photos from the time of Galpura and do something like an exhibition that looks back with the song.

I'm thinking about doing it individually, but I have a desire to create a place where everyone can look back!

I hope that I would be able to make a plan to decorate the end beauty of KEP1ER's Yong -un, which will be sent positively!

BirthdayJapan: That's nice. I want you to realize it!

Thank you for your cooperation in the interview.♪

Youngeun JPN recommended! Yong -uun's recommended video collection♪

here we have,Introducing videos of Yong -Eun -chan carefully selected by Youngeun JPN♪

"Kick it"


Youngeun JPN said, "The legendary stage was born because of two people, Yong Eun and Jia"Video that pushes!

If you are a Yong -un -fan, you may be repeating it.😍



It is a song with a cool concept, and it is said that Yong -un -chan's charm as a vocal, such as the long tone of the latter half, has been demonstrated.♪

Youngeun JPN plan! Introducing 5 special Senil project "Youngeun's Birthday Project 2023"♪


This year, Yong -un -chan is the last birthday as Kep1er!

Youngeun JPN also prepared a wonderful Senil project this year.🎂💜

There are many events that everyone can enjoy, so please check it out.😊

  • The first project "SEOUL BUS STOP AD"

Continuing from last year, we implemented a bath shelter advertisement in front of your office👏

You can see it until the end of this year, so if you are planning to travel to Korea, please visit.♪

Two types of ads, pink and blue are very cute 🩷💙

The atmosphere changes between day and night, so why not go to see both? !

  • The second project "Letters for YOUGEUN"

Youngeun JPN is looking for messages from Yong -un -chan fans nationwide!

The collected messages will be brigated on the message album at a later date and will be presented to the person.✨

It is a chance to deliver your passion to Yong Eun.😍

  • The third project "Fan Art Planning"

In addition, there is a plan to collect Yong -un -chan's fan art! !

The collected illustration is said to be a bookbind with the message album and sent to Yong Eun -chan.😊

If you are good at painting, this is an event you want to participate in.🔥

  • The fourth project "Cup Holder Event"

Held a cup holder event for Yong -un -chan in three cities in Tokyo, Osaka and Fukuoka♪

The design is very cute for both cup holders and benefits.🍫🧡

"I can't visit because it's far away😭Please be assured!

We also sell online, so you can get Yong -Eun's cup holder from anywhere in the country.✨(The first -come -first -served benefits are over)

If you are in Young Wondan, please be sure to get it! ! (lol)

  • The fifth project "AR Photo Frame"

It's an interesting project again.♪

In the fifth Senil project, AR photo frame with Yong -un -chan's birthday specification was prepared.📸

It seems that you can take pictures of cakes and goods, and enjoy yourself with inkame.😍

It is a project that seems to expand the possibilities depending on the idea 🧡


This time, we interviewed Kep1er Yong -un -chan's Japanese fun dam "Youngeun JPN".♪

Youngeun JPN, who has been running to convey the charm of Yong Eun to as many people as possible while having a passion from the Galpura era!

When I was listening to the story, I was told that you were supporting Yong -un -chan with love.😊

It was the hottest when I talked about Yong Eun's charm.🔥(lol)

In addition, regarding the Senil Planning, we have devised more people by incorporating messages, videos, and fan art.

By all means, I would like to realize Yong -un -chan's exhibition.♪

I wish Kep1er, Yong -un -chan, and Youngeun JPN.❤️

BirthdayLeave it to Japan!

Looking at the examples introduced this time, many people may feel like "I want to give Senil advertising!"♪

If you are worried, "I don't have the courage to advertise ..." "Isn't it difficult to go?"

BirthdayIf you register the official LINE of JAPAN,Automatic response chat solves concerns about cheering advertising!

It is safe to be able to consult by phone as well as chat to the staff.♪

You can complete LINE only from consultation -medium arrangement -design production to advertising reports!

First of all, please register as a LINE friend ^^


★BirthdayJAPAN SNS information★

BirthdayIn Japan, "Twitter」「Instagram」「TiktokWe are also distributing SNS♪

We distribute not only the information of Senil/support advertisements, but also the information of actors and idols, and great deals, so please follow up ^^ 

Twitter (@birthday_ad_jp)

BirthdayI want to get JAPAN information as soon as possible!If you say, please follow Twitter♪

On Twitter, we will deliver information on blogs such as idols and actors that we have updated every week we have updated every week ^^

We also deliver information on campaigns, so don't miss it!

Instagram (

I want to get information in an easy -to -understand manner!If you say, please follow Instagram!

Instagram offers the contents of the actors and idol blogs that we distribute every week in images in an easy -to -understand manner.♪

We also introduce the Senil/Support Advertisements held, so if you are considering it, please refer to it!

You can always look back by "saving" your favorite posts ^^

Tiktok (

Emphasis on time shorter! I want to get information quickly in the video!For those who say, we recommend following Tiktok.♪ This is our thoughts on our activities😄I'm looking forward to being connected with everyone with the same feelings!#Promotion #KPOP #Tota activity #Senil advertising #Senil advertising Agency JAPAN #South Korea #Japan #Korean information ♬ Pop! --Nayeon

Tiktok explains information about Senil/support advertisements and blog information in an easy -to -understand manner ^^

Because it is a short video, you can watch it in a short time in the morning.♪

We plan to send various information through SNS in the future!

Please follow up so that you do not miss the latest information ^^