Interview with INI "Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOM"! I asked about the strong unity and luxurious birthday project with Kyoto MINI!


Kyosuke Fujimaki of INI, 25th birthday on August 10th🐶💙

Kyosuke Fujimaki is a member of INI born in the audition program "PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON2"🎤✨

In particular, there are many members who have a reputation for singing skills, and are a fan of singing voice that permeates their hearts!

This time, suchKyosuke FujimakiCelebrating your birthday and interviewing "Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujiwaki FANDOM"I did🙇‍♀️✨

As of August 2024, Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke FujimakiFandomHere is the SNS account that you run👇📲

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMteeth,

  • BirthdayBirthdayImplementation of advertising and cup holder distribution
  • Implementation of support advertisements for tours and events
  • Call, recruitment, information sharing, etc., such as tag event, YouTube recycled promotion

I am doing various activities on SNS.✍️

This time, Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke FujimakiFandomWe asked about the Fundam activities and the charm of Kyosuke Fujimaki.☺️💙

In the latter half of the article, we will introduce in detail about birthday advertisements and events with power every year.😍✨

Until such a project? ! It's just something surprising❣️

If you read this interview and think, "I want to support INI's activities!" "I want to make a promotion of Kyosuke Fujimaki!", Please feel free to contact us.

We recommend advertisements (BirthdayWe are helping to post a support advertisement)💡

If you are interested in advertising, but don't know how to put it out ... "" I'm worried about the cost ... ", we also have a free consultation on LINE, so please register first.♪

What is "Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOM"?

Senil JAPAN staff: Interview today, thank you!

Could you tell me your main activities?

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOM: Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMMainly Fujimaki -kun's birthdayBirthdayAdvertisements, cup holders distribution, support advertisements for tours and eventsAnd we are celebrating with Kyo MINI.

Senil JAPAN staffWhat kind of SNS medium is used to send?

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOM: Using X and LINE open chat, Instagram,We call on tag events and calls for promotion of YouTube, recruitment, and information sharing.

Fandom's SNS will spread the official news as soon as possible, and strive to stay not only for mini but also for those who are not mini.

Senil JAPAN staff: How many people are operated?

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMThere are currently three operating members.

Senil JAPAN staff: Is the role sharing?

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMWe are working on roles, such as SNS, event, 11FD, and accounting.

Also, there are sub -members who can help each event, such as designers, and are always very encouraging and helped.

BirthdayAt that time, we are recruiting birthday -specific members every year and planning with project members.

Inherited with the desire to leave a wonderful Fundam

Senil JAPAN staff: Please tell us the reason you decided to operate the Fundam!

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMActually, the operation that is now is not the first member of the establishment.

At the time of "PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON2 (hereafter, Pu 2)", it was a very large and wonderful Fundam that was launched by the management at the time for the debut.

After my debut, the management at that time was busy, so I was looking for a project member who planned the first birthday celebration.

On the first birthday, the members at that time were almost left.

However, unfortunately, the movement of Fundam has disappeared afterwards,

"It's a wonderful Fundam ..." "I want to make the united Kyoto Mini Fundam even bigger and continue to continue."I did it.

I have always grateful and respectful to the management at the time, who started up and made a foundation and made the debut.

Even those who know Fandam at the time are working with a shame to be ashamed.

Senil JAPAN staff: What did you start with when you took over Fundam?

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMSince the current system has not been taken over, we have a lot of discussions in the operation for 1-2 years in the operation.

First,Utilizing the open chat between X (then Twitter) and LINE, sharing information and posting thoroughly, Fundam is moving actively! I send thatI tried to do it.

Senil JAPAN staffYou're still very frequently transmitted.

What kind of events and projects have you been doing as a foundation?

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMKyosuke -kun was attracting attention to singing voices during the audition.

After the debut, sing a singing voice to Tiktok and Instagram.

In addition, youTube launched the content called "INI_COVER" and delivered the singing voice.

Making tags by operation, celebrating, sharing a playlist, etc.We strive to reach many people to reach Kyosuke -kun's singing voice.

We create tags so that everyone can get excited during Valentine's Day, anniversary, tours, etc., and distribute slogans and advertise!


I'm very happy that you can see youtube, TV appearances, events, etc. together and get excited with one tag.

Kyo mini has a very strong heat and unity of each person!

Senil JAPAN staff: What are the tricks for management?

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMI want many people to know Kyosuke -kun, what Kyosuke -kun wants to ask Kyosuke -kun's goodness?

I am always following each other in trial and error so that Kyosuke -kun can be proud!

I also try to take a questionnaire and recruit opinions rather than proceeding with the operation of the operation.

Kyo mini is all very hot, so I often get a lot of opinions and suggestions that I can't think of.

It is such an image that one Kyo mini one runs in the Fujimaki area.

Senil JAPAN staff: You're making it.

Please let me know if you have the originality of "this is the strength of our Fundam!"

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMAs I mentioned earlier, Kyo MINI thinks that each person's heat and unity are actually very strong.

for exampleBirthdayIf you are looking for supporters, thank you for starting the application at the same time.

The feeling of wanting to celebrate grandly and everyone was transmitted very much.

Have you already closed? I didn't make it! I heard that ...I think that the strength of the Fujimaki area is that the common feeling of liking Kyosuke -kun is the strength of the Fujimaki area.

Senil JAPAN staff: Have you been able to communicate and activities based on your account, and have been doing "pushing"?

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMBirthdayAt that time, I am very happy to see X posts and Instagram, which many Kyoto mini enjoys advertising and projects.

Words of effort that the supporters who invested in the questionnaire after the end were good work.

I cried that it was really fun when I was really happy, exciting, and nice for a wonderful project.

Senil JAPAN staff: The relationship between Kyo mini is very nice.

Dissemination using open chat

Senil JAPAN staff: I think two open chat has been opened. How are each used?

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMOne is the main [Fujimaki neighborhood open chat] The other is [chat open chat].

Fujimaki neighborhood open chat mainly sends information about INI's official SNS and related formula, information such as television and radio magazine events, and planning from Fundam.

I think that almost all of them share the transmission.

If you look here, you should be able to grasp Kyosuke's activities from the official.

The chat open chat provides interaction between Kyoto mini, sharing postcards to programs, and voting for magazines and sites.

Senil JAPAN staff: How is the reaction of the open chat participants?

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMIs there a lot of shy people in Kyo MINI?

It seems to be Kyo mini that the heat hidden inside is high, but it does not show much (laughs).

I can't share my favorite because I have no friends! I think there are many people, soIn the future, it is a problem and goal of management to make it a fun place to talk about Kyosuke -kun more about Kyosuke -kun.

Be fascinated by Kyosuke Fujimaki's singing voice and become a fan!

Senil JAPAN staff: When did you become a fan of Kyosuke Fujimaki? Please tell me the trigger!

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMThe 3 people are different ...

Mr. A: I was a corona when I started the Audition of 2

While watching the ontact ability evaluation that I happened to find in boring, I found Kyosuke -kun singing "I love you but I can't love you"


I was shocked by the singing voice and began to pursue auditions, and I was voting and supporting me.

I was able to push for the first time in my life.

Mr. B: I didn't originally look at Pu 2,

I happened to have a chance to see Ontak, and at that time I thought, "Eh!

After that, I got into the live broadcast of TV, "That!

C: I was triggered by "Melody instead of a bouquet".


Originally, I was looking for a different member before Pu 2, so I thought I would never make any other recommendations.

When I saw the bouquet stage, I was a fan of fans without any opposition.

Senil JAPAN staff: Everyone and the triggers that triggeredYou were fascinated by Kyosuke Fujimaki's "song".

Is there any recommended video?

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMI want you to see everything! But the INI cover "First Love" is this! Yeah!ぞ! Kyosuke Fujimaki! I feel like that.


Also, on the 366th (Original by Hy), I would like to recommend Kyosuke -kun's transparent voice very much.


It is also attractive as a human being, and I'm glad I met and liked it

Senil JAPAN staff: This is different from Kyosuke Fujimaki's charm, strength, and other idols! Please tell me! What are you attracted to?

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMThe attraction is the song first!

What is Kyosuke -kun's charm in Fandom? Even when you take a questionnaire, there are overwhelming songs.

You should know that there are many other charms, of course! Singing if you are told! I want to take a questionnaire other than the song (laughs)

Kyo -mini is proud of Kyosuke -kun's song, and we are always with the desire to listen to Kyosuke -kun's songs and spread Kyosuke -kun's singing voice in the world. Masu.

There are many Kyosuke -kun's charms other than the song!

I loved it from the singing voice,The more you know Kyosuke -kun, the more the inside is very nice and the humanity.

It is often talked about when people gather around Kyosuke -kun.

A wonderful person who is very attractive for humans!

Senil JAPAN staff: Are there any episodes that have been impressive in supporting Kyosuke Fujimaki?

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMI was supporting you as a foundation,

FirstBirthdayI was very surprised that my family came to the store when I held a cup holder project in Nagano!

Last yearBirthdayI created an HP, but my fans are full of love ...

I was very happy that Kyosuke -kun was a wonderful website that conveyed the charm.

Kyosuke loves MINI and is very looking forward to the live, so he runs from the end of the stage to the end and provides fan service.

That figure is also reflected in YouTube videosI thought again that I was really happy to meet Kyosuke -kun.

The planning power is too great! Introducing the past birthday projects of Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOM!

Senil JAPAN staff: I guess you have held various birthday events so far, but what kind of projects have you been excited about?

2023 47 prefectural advertisements🚃

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOM: The 47 -prefectural advertisement held last year was a long -awaited project, so I was happy as an operation.

I also published a mystery in the advertisement, but I was pleased with mini nationwide that it was fun. 

* This is a plan for other companies' support.

"The north is the Hokkaido area, the Tohoku area from the Tohoku area, and it seems that Kyosuke Fujimaki's station advertisement was posted in the Kyushu and Okinawa areas in the south.😳❣️

For those who participated in solving the mystery, Illustrations of Kyosuke Fujimaki were presented.🐶💙

It's like laughingIt seems that Kyosuke Fujimaki was a LINE stamp style.😍✨


2022 & 2023  Ice cream store collaboration project🍨🩵

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMThe collaboration with ice cream shops held in the first and second year isBorn in summerKyosuke -kun was a perfect project that it was a perfect project!

"On the birthday of 2022 and 2023, a collaboration project for ice cream tent was held.✨

Not only is the clear treeca prepared for the first -come, first -served basis, but to the original ice cream🍨💘」

"In 2023, there were also stores where you could eat crepe.🍫

I guess it was one of the events I wanted to go to Kyo MINI! ! "🥺"


* This is a plan for other companies' support.

2022 Fireworks Launch Planning🎇

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMThe launch of the fireworks was the first attempt for the INI Fundam, and at that time it was a project that was rarely done at that time.

At that time, I was pleased at the time, "I will launch fireworks!?

* This is a plan for other companies' support.

"On the birthday of 2022, a fireworks inspired by Kyosuke Fujimaki was launched in the local Nagano prefecture.🎆

The state of the day was broadcast on YouTube👏✨

It is realized in the form of an idea that you can hardly imagine, and it is truly ...! ! "

Deliver the highlights of "𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗬 𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗬 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰"!

Senil JAPAN staff: What birthday project is this year?

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOMThis yearBirthdayI will also excite! !

This year is the first and second yearBirthdayWe are planning a new project that is different for Kyosuke -kun.

I would be grateful if not only Kyoto MINI but also many mini people nationwide enjoyed!

After thatPlanning a long -awaited plan in Nagano PrefectureI'm just doing it, so I hope many people can see it and enjoy it.

I think it's a project that will be pleased with Kyosuke -kun!

* In addition, it will be a plan for other companies' support.

Station advertising

In 2024, station advertisements will be implemented in 5 cities in Tokyo, Osaka, Hokkaido, Aichi, and Fukuoka.🚃🎶

Those who went to see the station advertisementPlease attach the authentication tag "#Kyosuke Fujimaki's Birthday Festival 2024" and share it on SNS.😍

Large vision

moreover! A large vision advertisement will be aired at Cross Shinjuku Vision🌟

This year ""Playlist" advertisement to encounter Kyosuke -kun's song"The theme ... Do you not care what it is? !😍

Please visit and go to check it🏃‍♀️💨

Light -up

Light -up events will be held in Kanagawa, Aichi, Osaka, and Fukuoka.💡

It seems that there is also a light -up of the ferris wheel after "Ferris Wheel", where Kyosuke Fujimaki was involved in the lyrics.🎡✨

It's a project that can't be missed.

Nagano planning

Three projects will be held in Nagano Prefecture, where Kyosuke Fujimaki is born.👏

  • Shinano Railway Advertising
  • Komeda Coffee Beisia Sakuhei -only collaboration project
  • Large message board planning

It is a wonderful and luxurious event held in the local area.🌟


In the karaoke "JOYSOUND", there is also a plan to see a celebration commercial when singing the target song.📺✨

It's a perfect project for singing Kyosuke Fujimaki!🎤

It will be held at about 4,500 stores nationwide.😳

Cup holder distribution

15 cities nationwide will also carry out cup holder distribution projects 🥤

The design of the cup holder is based on blue, and a photo of Kyosuke Fujimaki is used.😍

It seems that stickers and clear bookmarks were prepared for the first -come -first -served benefits.☺️

Net print

If you can't go directly to advertising or events, let's excite your birthday together with online prints.🍰

If you decorate your room in garland etc., you will feel better.✨

Icon frame

Let's excite your birthday on SNS 🥳🥂

If you look at the icon, you will see Kyoto MINI at a glance ...💙


It is a rewarded product for those who supported this birthday project 🩵

Only goods that are very active in the summer, such as Tonugui towels and clear bottles ...! !

And above all, the design is too cute, and it's just something that you want.😭✨ 

Birthday Festival Special Homepage

It is a special homepage with details of birthday projects.💻

After all, the highlight is that you can understand all the charms of Kyosuke Fujimaki on this page? ! As much as I think

"Kyosuke Fujimaki -kun attractive introduction page" introduced in detail😳💘

If you haven't seen it yet, please check it out now🌟

Message album 


It seems that a message album will be prepared this year as well.😍

What kind of message album will you finish ... I'm looking forward to it?💘

⚠️ The video will be a message book for 2023.



Tag event



This time, INI Kyosuke Fujimaki's Fundam "Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke Fujimaki FANDOM"I asked a story👏

While utilizing SNS and open chatMake information from Kyosuke Fujimaki, etc.Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke FujimakiFANDOM!

Not only do you want to support Kyosuke Fujimaki, but how to excite with the Kyo Mini who supports you together.

I got the impression that Fandam was very enthusiastic about that.

The only birthday project held every year is also related to Kyosuke Fujimaki, which can be enjoyed by Kyo MINI.☺️💙

By all means, support and birthday in the futureFuji Maki area / Kyosuke FujimakiWith FANDOMI really wanted you to have a wonderful relationship with Kyo Mini.

from now on,Kyosuke FujimakiPractice, andFuji Maki area / Kyosuke FujimakiFandomI really support your activities ⭐

Fuji Maki area / Kyosuke FujimakiFandomThank you for receiving an interview this time!

Leave it to Senil JAPAN!

Looking at the examples introduced this time, "I tooBirthdayI want to get an ad! I guess there are many people who felt.♪

If you are worried, "I don't have the courage to advertise ..." or "Isn't it difficult to complete the procedure?"

If you register the official LINE of Senil JAPAN,Automatic response chat solves concerns about cheering advertising!

It is safe to be able to consult by phone as well as chat to the staff.♪

You can complete LINE only from consultation -medium arrangement -design production to advertising reports!

First of all, please register as a LINE friend ^^


★SNS information of Senil JAPAN★

In Senil JAPAN, ""X」「Instagram」「TiktokWe are also distributing SNS♪

Birthday/We distribute information on actors and idols and deals, as well as support advertising information, so please follow up ^^ 

X (@birthday_ad_jp)

I want to get the information of Senil JAPAN quickly!If you say, please follow X♪

In X, under implementationBirthday/We will deliver information on blog publications, such as support advertisements and idols and actors that we update every week we have been updated ^^

We also deliver information on campaigns, so don't miss it!

Instagram (

I want to get information in an easy -to -understand manner!If you say, please follow Instagram!

Instagram offers the contents of the actors and idol blogs that we distribute every week in images in an easy -to -understand manner.♪

ImplementedBirthday/We also introduce support advertisements, so please refer to those who are considering!

You can always look back by "saving" your favorite posts ^^

Tiktok (

Emphasis on time shorter! I want to get information quickly in the video!For those who say, we recommend following Tiktok.♪ This is our thoughts on our activities😄I'm looking forward to being connected with everyone with the same feelings!#Promotion #KPOP #Tota activity #Birthdayadvertisement #BirthdayAdvertising Agency JAPAN #South Korea #Japan #Korean information ♬ Pop! --Nayeon

At TiktokBirthday/Information about support advertisements and blog information is explained in an easy -to -understand manner ^^

Because it is a short video, you can watch it in a short time in the morning.♪

We plan to send various information through SNS in the future!

Please follow up so that you do not miss the latest information ^^