"INI FANBASE | mini 🚀 Interview with Access Point! Approaching the FB activity dedicated to INI and the charm of INI!

「INI FANBASE | MINI 🚀 ACCESS POINT」さんにインタビュー!INIに捧ぐFB活動と全てが推せるINIの魅力に迫る!

Boys group "INI", born from Pu 2, celebrating the 3rd anniversary of the formation on June 13🚀✨

This time,To commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the formation of INI, "INI FANBASE | mini" 🚀Interview with "Access Point"I did🎤🌟

As of June 2024, INI FANBASE | mini 🚀 Click here for the SNS account operated by Access Point👇📲 

Ini Fanbase | mini 🚀 The activities of Access Point are

  • Dissemination of ranking information such as Billboard Japan Chart, Oricon
  • Dissemination of various support methods during comeback
  • Sharing of posting on INI official SNS
  • Hashtag event

I am active every day, such as😳

Members with the desire to support all INI gathered, and have been working since 2021 to the present.😢✨

From the attitude of facing fan -based activities, it is such a fan bass that the feeling of cherishing INI is sincerely conveyed.♪

In the first half of this article, INI FANBASE | mini 🚀 In the second half of Access Point's activities and thoughts as a fan base, we will deliver plenty of INI's charm.☺️💗

If you read this interview and think, "I want to support INI's activities!" "I want to push INI!", Please feel free to contact us.

We are helping to post a recommended advertisement (Senil/support advertisement).💡

If you are interested in advertising, but don't know how to put it out ... "" I'm worried about the cost ... ", we also have a free consultation on LINE, so please register first.♪

Started the fan base operation with the desire to "support all INI"

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Thank you for your cooperation!

What kind of activities are you currently doing as a fan base?

Ini Fanbase | mini 🚀 Access Point(AP): We are ini Fanbase | mini 🚀 Access Point isBillboard JAPAN CHART and Oricon's ranking information and various support for comebackdoing.

Other,Every day, we will notify you to send your impressions to the performances and what kind of posts were available on INI's Instagram and Tiktok.I'm doing it.

after that,We also cooperate with each member's Fundam, and have a hashtag event together to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the debut in November 2023.Did!

It was an account made with emphasis on grades (on the music chart).I would like to tell more people about INI's wonderful parts to more people when celebrating the 3rd anniversary of the formation in June.I think.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: How many people are currently operated?

AP: Now we are operating with four people!

In fact, there are some other collaborative accounts besides this account.

Each is specialized in YouTube, radio support, streaming, and tag event.

Now, we are in the phase of "Let's support as a whole!"

It is connected by 11fd (11fandoms of INI) by open chat, and we are working in cooperation!

BirthdayJAPAN staff:I see. You are cooperating with everyone.

Ini Fanbase | mini 🚀 What is the division of roles of the four people running Access Point?

AP: I really liked the music charts, and I was introduced to it, and I entered the fan -based operation,

Before the debut, the founder was gone, and the early members put me in and became four.

I wondered what to do at that time ... I realized that I was a leader standing position! (lol)

at that time,I didn't have an account to support all INI, so I wanted to play that role.That's it.

After that, the initial members also changed their lifestyle and could not participate, and finally became alone.

At that time, I thought that there was no one who could fill in what I was not good at, and the three people are now running together.

One person is familiar with music charts, so the chart -related,

One of them will send their impressions when they appear on TV! Mainly in charge of guidance such as

One person is the work of putting the official schedule of INI on a calendar format, and post -related posts related to INI.

The other is in charge of the operation of Instagram.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: When was your account launched?

AP: I think there was an account in September 2021.

Actually, the account was shaped just before the debut ... the account I made in a hurry is what I use now.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Did the purpose of launching still want to improve the performance of music charts?

AP: As I mentioned earlier, there was another manager at first, and there were about ten people, but I felt that the purpose was not fixed.

"I want to improve the results of Billboard Japan Chart"

"I want to unify because the hashtags are messed up."

There were a lot of people with many thoughts, but just before the debut, the members became four, so I could do it.

So, first of all, I focused on what kind of support was needed so that I could get the results of my debut work "Rockete".


Because it is a group from survival programs, there are many fans who are greedy for numbers!

But when I thought I had to change it to a support method that would reach various people,

I took a questionnaire once asked, "What kind of remarks do you want in the future?"

Based on the results of the questionnaire, we are operating by the current four people in search of creative people and those who give constructive opinions about future directions.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: That's amazing. Like work!

AP: Well, I've been told several times (like work)! (lol)

To the operating members of the trusted account

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Why did the three people decide to be involved in the management?

API knew that I should support this kind of way in this account, and I was very grateful.

I was glad to be able to help my account while I was able to call out and feel like I could do it, so I participated so much without worrying!


(Another operated member)

When I got a contact alone, I couldn't send it! I thought.

But I was surprised that I was doing that much alone!

If I could support it, I started doing it like helping.

If you notice, you will be able to teach various things and you can make images.

I felt that I wanted to support mini in me, so I wanted to be supported.


(Another operated member)

I also heard when I met on the spot.

I've been referring to this account for a long time,I was very happy to have you invite me because I wanted to do something for INI.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Everyone started with the trust.

AP: Thank you.

It was also a time when I was thinking about stopping my account.

While INI was going to the next stage, I said when I was worried that this kind of support would not fit forever,

I was a trusted account, so he told me that he wouldn't lose it, so I thought I would continue.

A steady step toward achieving the goal

BirthdayJAPAN staff: What did you start when launching a fan base?

AP: What did you start with?

Actually, "mini 🚀 The account name "Access Point" was meaningful, and I received "INI FANBASE" later with MINI's advice.

The greeting of INI is "Login to US! INI", but it is associated with "log in"."Mini" is "mini" 🚀"Access Point" is named.

At first, about ten people gathered and talked about what they wanted to do because they wanted to create a place to support all INI!

But when I started something new, I was criticized, so my heart broke down and the members gradually quit.

BirthdayJAPAN staff:It's was so.

What did you start working in such a situation?

AP: First, it was about MAMA.

For the first time, when INI performed with MAMA, different support tags were overwhelming on X.

It was very wasteful that many people broke, "Let's excite with this hashtag!"I started by proposing a unification of hashtags!

The most memorable thing was when I proposed a tag related to the number of MV views, the INI -operated account posted using the hashtag.

I knew that INI's management recognizes our activities, and the hashtags have entered the world trend,

Our motivation has also increased by taking it up in the web article.

After that, I thought about what kind of support I had to support in the future, and shifted to the work of transmitting one by one.

I'm so happy that I won the first place in the Oricon in the debut song "Rocketeer", but the first place in Billboard Japan Hot 100 became a souvenir.

After that, in preparation for the 2nd single "I" release, INI FANBASE | mini 🚀 I made the Access Point homepage with a total of about a hundred people

"CALL 119" was able to win the first place overall Billboard Japan Hot 100.



BirthdayJAPAN staff: The power of the fan bass and the fans is amazing!

It is said that each member is also cooperating with Fandom, but what kind of cooperation do you cooperate except for the 2nd anniversary event?

AP: At the time of the debut single release, Mr. Fandam, who emphasizes his grades, came, so

I've been talking about whether to share the manual we created in the open chat that Fandam is operating.

After that, it is a request for cooperation for the hashtag event.

Then, we are in cooperation between mini youtube and Fundam, but we are making a playlist with chicchem with volunteers.

We also cooperate to share the regeneration list of each member in the open chat of each Fundam and excite YouTube with the whole mini!

INI FANBASE | mini that is made up of mini 🚀 Access Point

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Have you been working as a fan base?

AP: I think about the ease of transmission when sending, so that skill has improved!

after that,It was good that everyone in MINI responded to our activities with "thank you"I think.

If you support it, I want to support MINI so that you can support it without worrying about it.

There is also a desire to support the Mini who supports INI!

When the 2nd album "MATCH UP" was released in February 2024, it was completely different from the release schedule we had expected.

There was a moment when our schedule was collapsed ...

One hour later, when I was annoyed, I changed the policy, and the mini everyone gave me a lot of posts to thank us in the quoted post.

I was very impressed at that time.

It was quite painful that I had to make a decision that would affect my grades very much in a situation where it was only a few hours left before the release.

EveryoneI'm glad I saw me posting "It's a reliable account"I thought I.

Isn't it easy to see negative comments?

But thanks to the Mini who supports me in this way, our account is established.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: I'm glad if the same fans can say such words.

What is the moment when you get swamped in INI?

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Please tell us what you were hooked on ini!

AP: I started watching the second half of "PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON2 (Sunday Pu 2)",Vocals, wraps and dances were strong, and there were many members who wanted to support them!

I've been watching a variety of survival programs, but this was my first time to get hooked on the voting!

(Another operated member)

I knew the existence of Pu 2, but I wasn't interested in idols ...

My daughter was addicted to INI first and decided to go to the festival where they appear.

I thought it would not be fun unless the members' names and faces matched, so I was watching YouTube and TV together.

SoWhen I actually saw the performance, I gradually became addicted from the place that said, "These children are so amazing!"Do you feel?

In "INI folder", you can see the members of the members in the content, but you will want to support them with very good children.

🚀INI folder playback list

(Another operated member)

I was addicted to seeing Pu 2 at the end of the activity when the people who were nerdy with nerdy temperament ended!

I was also interested in the debut of globally active people, and the fact that support is not only in Japan.

I only supported Japanese idols. I happened to know and happened to be addicted!

It may be that the timing was good,I became a fan because I thought I wanted to support.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Everyone, each met INI!

"I can recommend everything !!" What is the charm of INI?

 BirthdayJAPAN staff: Next, please tell us the charm of INI!

AP: Everyone is good at visuals! Everyone can recommend it! !

There is no group that allows everything to be human.

I feel that all members can't stand it now.

It always means, "MINI gives us a chance, but we have not been there yet, so we become a suitable person quickly."

I'm always thinking of raising ourselves and really values ​​my fans,

It is always loved by co -stars.

It is a group that can be recommended!


After that, you can see that we are working seriously for everything, and

It's a place where the words of thanks to the mini and people around you, which you always eat, are not a lie.


Each member has a variety of personality, but I can't deny it.

Then, since they have been living as ordinary people for about 20 years, not as idols since childhood, I think it would be nice to be able to send them while understanding the feelings of the fans.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Is there any episode that you can think of?

AP: "INI folder" has all their charms!

I'm really on good terms.

It's interesting and it's really nice to work seriously.

There is a radio program "from ini", but when I saw "with ini" broadcast on the radio that I could see,

There was an episode that shows that we value each other's personality.

🚀FOfficial HP of ROM INI

For example, there is a member of a Chinese Fenfan -kun,

Because I spend my childhood in China, there are times when I don't know about old Japanese songs and memories of other members.

But, as you can understand, someone is following him to follow.

If there is a person who seems to be in trouble, there is a scene in which person notices and follows.

That's casual!


After that, all members acknowledge diversity, but we are also pursuing the individuality as an INI that can be put out when 11 people are organized,

It's a group that makes you want to support such a sincere figure.

🔻Ini Fanbase | mini 🚀 "INI Folder" recommended by Access Point✍️💗🔻

Academic tests full of rare answers, and surprising members? ! It seems to be especially recommended to try a liver that you can see.😍

🚀[INI folder] EP.10 without hitting! Achievement test✏️ ~ Part 1 ~


🚀[INI folder] EP.11 without hitting! Achievement test✏️ ~ Part 2 ~


🚀[INI folder] EP.29 INI INI Hepat👻 ~ Part 1-


🚀[INI folder] EP.30 INI Hepatop👻 ~ Part 2 ~


🚀[INI folder] Extra -edition and my "Match Up" Valentine💝 ~ Part 1-


🚀[INI folder] Extra -edition and my "Match Up" Valentine💝 ~ Part 2 ~ 


I want to send more goodness of INI that values ​​fans

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Are there any episodes that have left an impression while supporting INI?

AP: When I won the rookie award at the Record Awards, I was very impressed. The performance was very good!


I recently went to Kyocera Dome, but I was impressed that so many mini could fill the venue. There are many men's mini!


I thought that I came here with a dome penlight, but the members said, ""This is a new start"The word came out and I thought it was amazing.

In the rehearsal, I raised the bib with "mini", and I thought I was doing it together.


Also, Dae Muzuka -kun went to the center stage at the end and said that everyone wanted to do the circle that he was always doing.

Everyone at the venue "We are ini!I was impressed to do it.

Oh, it's starting here again! I felt like that.


According to the story on SNS, there is "Happy Mini Day", which celebrates the day when the fan name is formed.


He gave me various content in the form of an event to celebrate the two -year -old mini.

I felt that it was important to celebrate MINI so much.


He created content from where we thought about a party to celebrate mini.

Happy mini day playlist🎥

In addition to Happy Mini Day, there is "MINI Day (March 2)"!


Even in the content, there are 12 members' hearts, because they are 11 people, but 12 are included in the mini.


And there is also a MINI logo created by the management!


BirthdayJAPAN staff: It shows not only words but also actions.

AP:I agree.

that's whyI hope that more people will tell the splendor of INI.

Of course, music, but I want you to know that they are so good people!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: What do you want to do as a fan base in the future?

AP: I have to talk exactly (laughs)

It's a personal opinion, but I think it would be nice to be able to communicate what I came to X on various platforms.

I think it's time to think about how to do it and what's good.

"Currently INI FANBASE | mini 🚀 Access Point has resumed information on Instagram☺️

You can check in detail how to support INI, so please follow up.🚀❤️‍🔥」


BirthdayJAPAN staff: INI Fanbase | mini 🚀 I'm looking forward to Access Point's future activities!

Thank you for receiving an interview.✨


This time, INI's fan base "INI FANBASE | mini 🚀 I asked "Access Point"✨

Ini Fanbase | mini 🚀 Access Point began with the desire to support all INI, and walked while building a trusting relationship with mini.☺️

Sometimes I was confused, but I thought about the best way and went steadily.

In addition, I heard the story of fan -based activities, and I felt that I really loved INI and supported me.

When I talked about the charm of INI, it was impressive that I was talking very happily.💗

It was a fan base that made me excited about whether it would show me beyond expectations in future activities.

BirthdayJAPAN will continue to be INI and INI Fanbase | Mini 🚀 We sincerely support the activities of Access Point.♪

Ini Fanbase | mini 🚀 Thank you for your cooperation in the interview, Access Point! 

BirthdayLeave it to Japan!

Looking at the examples introduced this time, many people may feel like "I want to give Senil advertising!"♪

If you are worried, "I don't have the courage to give an ad ..." "Isn't it difficult to go?"

BirthdayIf you register the official LINE of JAPAN,Automatic response chat solves concerns about cheering advertising!

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You can complete LINE only from consultation -medium arrangement -design production to advertising reports!

First of all, please register as a LINE friend ^^


★BirthdayJAPAN SNS information★

BirthdayIn Japan, "X」「Instagram」「TiktokWe are also distributing SNS♪

We distribute not only the information of Senil/support advertisements, but also the information of actors and idols, and great deals, so please follow up ^^ 

X (@birthday_ad_jp)

BirthdayI want to get JAPAN information as soon as possible!If you say, please follow X♪

In X, we will deliver information on blog publications such as idols and actors that we have updated every week by us ^^

We also deliver information on campaigns, so don't miss it!

Instagram (@Birthday.ad.jp)

I want to get information in an easy -to -understand manner!If you say, please follow Instagram!

Instagram offers the contents of the actors and idol blogs that we distribute every week in images in an easy -to -understand manner.♪

We also introduce the Senil/Support Advertisements held, so if you are considering it, please refer to it!

You can always look back by "saving" your favorite posts ^^

Tiktok (@Birthday.ad.jp)

Emphasis on time shorter! I want to get information quickly in the video!For those who say, we recommend following Tiktok.♪

@birthday.ad.jp This is our thoughts on our activities😄I'm looking forward to being connected with everyone with the same feelings!#Promotion #KPOP #Tota activity #Senil advertising #Senil advertising Agency JAPAN #South Korea #Japan #Korean information ♬ Pop! --Nayeon

Tiktok explains information about Senil/support advertisements and blog information in an easy -to -understand manner ^^

Because it is a short video, you can watch it in a short time in the morning.♪

We plan to send various information through SNS in the future!

Please follow up so that you do not miss the latest information ^^