Covered Kep1er Mashiro's Japanese FB "MASHIRO JAPAN"! From SNS utilization methods to behind the scenes of Senil planning♪

Kep1er マシロの日本FB「MASHIRO JAPAN」を取材!SNS活用法からセンイル企画の裏話まで♪

This time,We talked to Kep1ER Mashiro's Japanese fan bass "Mashiro JAPAN".♪

MASHIRO JAPAN is a Japanese fan base that is mainly active in Mashiro -chan's Senil planning and information dissemination.

In cooperation with the global fans base, the surprising Senil is planned every year, "Up to such a thing?"✨

Professionals in various fields gather, "For Mashiro -chan!"♪

When I heard the story, the love for Mashiro was "heavy! Hot!" (lol)

This time,Deliver very valuable stories about mashiro JAPAN, the backstory of Senil advertising, and how to use SNS.I will do it😊

Read the interview,

I want to release a recommended Senil!

I am interested in the cheering advertising crafts!

If you have anybody, please feel free to contact us.

We also provide free consultation on LINE, so please register your friends first.♪


About Kep1ER Mashiro's Japanese fan base "MASHIRO JAPAN"!

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"MASHIRO JAPAN" is a Japanese fan base of Kep1er's Japanese member Mashiro -chan.♪

Started on SNS for the purpose of conducting Mashiro -chan's birthday project!

Mainly on SNS

  • Senil planning
  • Mashiro -chan's information dissemination


Please check out MASHIRO JAPAN's SNS.🐰♪

⭐️ "MASHIRO JAPAN""X account

⭐️ "MASHIRO JAPAN"Instagram account

Mashiro JAPAN works with the global fans -based "Mashiro Worldwide Support Project" to make various projects for Mashiro -chan.

On my 2021 birthday before my debutCooperation with Mashiro Worldwide Support ProjectIt became a hot topic by issuing Senil advertisements to Times Square in NY.

It was the first time that an idol advertisement before his debut was published in Times Square.😳

MASHIRO JAPAN, who has entered the third year of activities this year, is currently operating with eight people.😊

The people themselves "You may have only strength!Is it super high spec? ! Management members are available!

everyone,Mashiro -chan has been pouring his best while making the most of his skills.✨

I will introduce it in detail later,Anyway, mashiro JAPANThe planning power is dangerousI'm

Then, please enjoy the interview with mashiro JAPAN who has a hot Mashiro -chan.♪

I asked "MASHIRO JAPAN"! What is the back story of management and Senil project?

Professionals in each field gather! About "MASHIRO JAPAN" who pours all the power for Mashiro -chan

BirthdayJAPAN staff: First of all, please tell us the starting point of "MASHIRO JAPAN"!

N: Originally, there was only a global team "MWWSP".

The people who are moving on the global team are Australia, Taiwan, Korea, and Japanese, but I was involved in interpreting because I could speak Chinese.

However, even if I decided to do a plan in Japan with a global team, there was a limit, ""So, it's better to launch JAPAN!"Was a story.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: What was the reason why you started to be involved in global?

N: The child in Taiwanese told me to help because I couldn't translate into Japanese when transmitting to the Japanese!

From there, I started to help various things.

C: I'm exactly the same as N!

I can speak English, so I was told that I wanted to intervene in Japanese projects in Australia and Taiwan in English.

Mr. A: Only me is special! (lol)

I was doing something like a project to support Mashiro -chan.

So, I asked me to call me as if I couldn't do it together.

BirthdayJAPAN staffIt is said that 8 people are currently operating an account. How did you get together?

N: I've already missed it, but the founder of JAPAN called out to people, "Isn't this person good?"

I am helping both JAPAN and global.

The current eight people have a little increase or decrease, but most of them are still the same!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Are there any strengths that are done by multiple people?

NWe may have only strength!

Mr. A: Professionals in each field are gathering!

There is a designer, there is a copywriter, and there are members of SNS operation.

N: Some people are good at research.

K-POP voting or Sumin (streaming) is one of the best activities that fans have to do.

Some people can research such a thing and send it to everyone, and there are many adults anyway.

Now, in a situation where all working people are gathering, we are working on what we can do!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Really professional people are gathering!

N: I'm free for Mashiro -chan (laughs)

BirthdayJAPAN staff: What role do you play?

N: Basically, it is a transmission role with global.

And are you doing that for everyone? How about this? I'm doing confirmation!

I also translate the global team letters, and C can speak Chinese!

So, I translate letters from Chinese and English -speaking countries into Japanese so that Mashiro -chan can read it immediately.

Actually, globallySome people make songsThat's it! (lol)

This is a trilogy, this year is a culmination.

The last song comes out!

There are professional composers, volunteers choose vocals, and there are violinists, so they have them participate!

I write lyrics in Japanese and make it Chinese.

Since the people who make songs are the people in the Great Cancer, it is easier to understand the meaning and translate them.

BirthdayJAPAN staff:amazing! ! Is the song released on your birthday?

N: It was so every year, but this year may be a little late.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: I'm looking forward to it! !

The activities of "MASHIRO JAPAN" who also reach fans and Mashiro -chan

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Is there anything good to be working as MASHIRO JAPAN?

C: I'm glad that every time I announce it, I get a reaction like "fun!"

Mr. A: And isn't it where it reaches Mashiro -chan?

There are people who agree with the operation of the MASHIRO JAPAN account and cooperate, and Mashiro gave a gift.

The goods (for crafan's returned goods) are also decorated in Mashiro's room.


Information dissemination that continued every day with a sense of mission saying "I have to make this child debut!"

BirthdayJAPAN staff: How did you become a fan of Mashiro -chan in the first place?

Mr. A: I liked JYP and knew that there was a child named Mashiro -chan.

I started watching Galpura and said, "Oh!

I was struggling in the JYP era, and I was struggling with the story that I wanted to do my best with the last chance ...

Oh, I have to make this child debut anymore!There was a mysterious sense of mission! (lol)

I have a good face or a good personality, but I sympathized with the attitude of working hard, so I got into the Zubuzubu!

I was just supporting it now! (lol)

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Did you call for voting during Galpura Broadcasting?

Mr. A:I agree! I would like to advertise on Instagram by myself.

You were calling for research and voting!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Did you feel that the turnout increased by issuing the advertisement?

Mr. A: I don't know how effective it was, but Mashiro -chan was keeping the top.

But there is a Mashiropen trauma that drops to 14th place in the interim announcement ... (laughs)

Nevertheless, I think that it was the result of everyone working hard to be able to debut in the 8th place!

C: I think it was effective for Mr. A's transmission!

It's a personal story, but I wanted to participate in the project after seeing Mr. A's transmission, so I created an account for Garupra.

Originally I like Mashiro -chan, and if I noticed, I'm going to operate it now ... (laughs)

BirthdayJAPAN staff: What was the transmission?

N: It's hot, Mr. A!

When I was 14th, I made images so that everyone died (laughs).

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Is there anything that is devised at the time of calling?

Mr. AAt that time, I thought I couldn't see it as a sentence, so I always posted a photo of Mashiro!

I did it with a different image almost every day. 

BirthdayJAPAN staff: Are you every day? !

Mr. A:I agree.

In the Galpura eraPost a simple character like "Please vote for Mashiro -chan!" In a different image every dayI did it. 

Mashiro -chan's number one recommendation point is "inner"

BirthdayJAPAN staff: What is the charm of Mashiro -chan?

Mr. A: Isn't it too difficult? (lol)

Of course, the face is cute, but what I like is a beautiful nose that is far from the Japanese!

Quote source

Also, I think that the "inside" is the charm of Mashiro -chan.

N: My heart is beautiful.

Mr. A: Because I have been a trainee for many years, the Korean is fluffy.

Teaching and studying Chinese to support Global Hikaru and Xiaotin.

I think that kind of attitude is evaluated and become a sub -leader.

I don't think it's the best point that you can support the members and KEP1IAN, even if you are not looking at it!

N: It's serious. It is a serious idol. 

"All stage victory" incident that appears Mashiro's personality? !

BirthdayJAPAN staff: What is Mashiro -chan's episode that has been remembered so far?

Mr. A: Isn't that that?

Leader case that all wins!

N:ah! I agree.

Because all stages are winning with Galpura.

If you leave the leader to Sakamoto, you can manage it! What is it!

In fact, I think it's a gentle and quiet type.

Still, put together the role of leader and put together everyone.

There may have been various things in the invisible part, but the power to put together the group to win is not normal.

There will be such leadership and personality.

It's a really kind person because everyone says, "Mashiro is really kind."

I think he's a kind and powerful person! 

Senil advertisement that expresses the weight of love for Mashiro

BirthdayJAPAN staff: I'm looking forward to it ... I would like to ask about Senil project!

I guess it was a Senil advertisement for the 2021 NY Times Square, but what did you decide to plan?

N: It was a matter of course in Korea, so I felt like I could do that in Japan.

I want everyone to see it, this face! (lol)

2021 was still a global project, but it was my first time to advertise in Times Square with an idol before my debut.

At that time, the machine of the Galpura era was said to be "heavy" (laughs).

Mr. A: Love is heavy (laughs)

N: The weight of that love is Times Square advertising!

Mr. A: I wanted to give it out, and as a topicality, it became news.

It was an advertisement that Mashiro -chan made his debut and had the purpose of being recognized.

N: You may have felt a little different before anyone.

Where is the planning power of the treasure trove of ideas "MASHIRO JAPAN"?

BirthdayJAPAN staff: I'm surprised at the planning skills of MASHIRO JAPAN every time! !

Who are you thinking about unique projects, such as the mystery solving event at the time of last year?

N: My designer likes that!

There are many people who like games in Kep1ian, and I think it was a very good idea to tickle playfulness.

Mr. A: I want you to go all the way, so this year, we considered a photo rally project, given the added value with gifts that we can enjoy while having fun, aiming for diffusion!

Have fun!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: I see ... as expected!

What was a big response in the planning and events that I have done so far?

Mr. A:personally"Chicchem rankingI think it was exciting!

With the vote of Chicchem, which came out so far, I had a ranking forecast!

There is a space where everyone predicts it.

Chicchem will also be played!

N: It was interesting!

That was the first idea that "I want to turn chicchem".

Mr. A: I think that was a really good project!

I want to do it again.

C: I think about 100 people have come!

"MASHIRO JAPAN" designed "1000 yen relay" is amazing!

BirthdayJAPAN staff: I've been worried all the time, what kind of project is Senil advertising "1000 yen relay"?

Mr. AIn 2021, there were various projects I wanted to do before my debut, but the situation was not good and I was in trouble.

In the first place, for the purpose of expanding the "cognition" of the donation project

The person who agreed with the donation was compared to the "relay" and retweeted.

This is the beginning of the relay project.

After that, I wanted to emphasize the low hurdle by specifying the amount of money to 1000 yen.

Thankfully, the donation amount is almost doubled every year.

last year1000With a yen relay plan25We were able to support and cooperate with the amount of 10,000 yen.

N:It's strange.

C1000If you write a circle, the hurdle will drop. I want students to think that students can participate.

Mr. A: There is an aim to make you feel that you are cooperating.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: I see ... If it's a relay, it's easy to announce that you have raised money!

Senil advertisement of last year's "orange board" that showed the best excitement in the past

BirthdayJAPAN staff: What did you get excited about Senil -related events and advertisements?

N:on second thoughtsIsn't it last year's orange board?

Quote source

  • Orange board is a large board installed on orange road outside Tobu Ikebukuro Station.♪
  • B0 (103cm x 145.6cm) x 8 advertisements that give out 8 ads, and the impact is outstanding!
  • It was a big topic because the Senil ads of this size rarely were rarely.✨

C: Orange board!

That was hard and I got a lot of people to see it!

N: I think it's hard to do that big Senil advertising, so

After all, I think that there were many Kep1ian in Japan.

In the sense that there were many people in Japan, it was worthwhile.

That's why there were many people who came from the region to come to see Senil ads.

In that sense, I think it was really a great success.

BirthdayJAPAN staff: It's nice to be able to connect a lot through pushing.

Thank you for your valuable story!

"MASHIRO JAPAN" is carefully selected! Mashiro -chan's recommended video collection♪

here we have,Introducing the chicchem of Mashiro -chan carefully selected by mashiro JAPAN♪

It may be held, so please check it out in preparation for the 2nd Chicchem ranking.😍







"Le Voya9e"


"MASHIRO JAPAN" 2023 Senil project! 360 ° Mai White Jack "Mai White Train"? !

Quote source

MASHIRO JAPAN celebrating Mashiro's birthday with a unique and special Senil advertisement every year!

How this year ...Implemented "Sakamoto Mai White Yuri Kamome Train Jack Advertising"!

as its name suggests,Mashiro -chan is jacking all the advertisements in the car of Yurikamome (all 6)! !

It is a very luxurious space filled with Mashiro -chan to Hagarashi.✨

This time, I will show you a little inside the car.♪

Japanese traffic advertisements have a strict screening and conditions, but it is a special Senil advertisement like Mashiro JAPAN who pours all the power for Mashiro -chan.😍

The implementation period is ""December 11th (Mon) -December 20th (Wednesday)"10 daysSo don't miss everyone!

Please check this post for details😊


This time, I sent an interview with Kep1ER Mashiro -chan's Japanese fan bass "mashiro JAPAN".♪

From the interview, MASHIRO JAPAN's heavy Mashiro -chan! hot! I guess my thoughts were transmitted.😊

Once again, I witnessed the greatness of MASHIRO JAPAN, who is conducting various projects, including Senlilles, for Mashiro -chan.

There are "aim" intended for each project, and many of them are successful.✨

Also, it's afraid to make an original song while cooperating with the global team! (lol) 

I felt "serious" from the appearance of utilizing the skills of the fields that each is good at, and the ideas that are enhanced by a unique idea.

I would like to keep an eye on Mashiro Japan's activities in the future.♪

I wish Kep1er, Mashiro -chan, and Mashiro JAPAN.😊 

BirthdayLeave it to Japan!

Looking at the examples introduced this time, many people may feel like "I want to give Senil advertising!"♪

If you are worried, "I don't have the courage to advertise ..." "Isn't it difficult to go?"

BirthdayIf you register the official LINE of JAPAN,Automatic response chat solves concerns about cheering advertising!

It is safe to be able to consult by phone as well as chat to the staff.♪

You can complete LINE only from consultation -medium arrangement -design production to advertising reports!

First of all, please register as a LINE friend ^^


★BirthdayJAPAN SNS information★

BirthdayIn Japan, "Twitter」「Instagram」「TiktokWe are also distributing SNS♪

We distribute not only the information of Senil/support advertisements, but also the information of actors and idols, and great deals, so please follow up ^^ 

Twitter (@birthday_ad_jp)

BirthdayI want to get JAPAN information as soon as possible!If you say, please follow Twitter♪

On Twitter, we will deliver information on blogs such as idols and actors that we have updated every week we have updated every week ^^

We also deliver information on campaigns, so don't miss it!

Instagram (

I want to get information in an easy -to -understand manner!If you say, please follow Instagram!

Instagram offers the contents of the actors and idol blogs that we distribute every week in images in an easy -to -understand manner.♪

We also introduce the Senil/Support Advertisements held, so if you are considering it, please refer to it!

You can always look back by "saving" your favorite posts ^^

Tiktok (

Emphasis on time shorter! I want to get information quickly in the video!For those who say, we recommend following Tiktok.♪ This is our thoughts on our activities😄I'm looking forward to being connected with everyone with the same feelings!#Promotion #KPOP #Tota activity #Senil advertising #Senil advertising Agency JAPAN #South Korea #Japan #Korean information ♬ Pop! --Nayeon

Tiktok explains information about Senil/support advertisements and blog information in an easy -to -understand manner ^^

Because it is a short video, you can watch it in a short time in the morning.♪

We plan to send various information through SNS in the future!

Please follow up so that you do not miss the latest information ^^